Did Nico have Cold Turkey on Boxing Day?



Low: 'Christmas'.

The Diff'rent Strokes: 'This isn't it'.

Kylie Minogue: 'Can't get you out of my Head'.

Tamla Motown Gold three disc set.

And that's about it. I bought Dazed and Confused magazine yesterday only to find that their most hotly tipped bands for 2002 all talk about 'We just do what we want to do and if anyone else likes it...well...'.

And they all look like a cross pollination of the Beta Band and Doves.

I would say hope lies in The Healers, but I've already got a couple of David Cassidy records I borrowed from my Mother.

What happened to Sack? I liked the song that went 'I spent the evening watching you leaving'. Or something.

Oh the rituals of life. I always end up posting back here. Such a community feel?


James x
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