Kevin Grady

I'm the head designer for the Truth anti-tobacco industry campaign (you may have seen some of our spots on TV). I just published a project called "What's Fer Dinner" and dedicated it to Moz. It's basically a pro-vegetarian design piece that was inspired by "Meat Is Murder" (I came up with the idea when he was singing that song at one of his shows in Boston last year).
I've been a huge fan since around 1985, and felt this dedication was the least I could do for all the music he's given us.

Anyway, I want to send him a copy of it. Does anyone know how I can find his address? If anyone can help me out, I'll send them a free copy.
P.S. "What's Fer Dinner" will be on sale soon at if anyone's interested.
> I'm the head designer for the Truth anti-tobacco industry
> campaign (you may have seen some of our spots on TV).

Your Truth anti-tobacco industry campaign is brilliant! The shocking 'in your face' approach you take to your ads bring the harsh truths of smoking to the eyes and minds of the masses beautifully! The first one I saw was the one with all the body bags piled up outside some tobacco giant's office. Genius!!
> P.S. "What's Fer Dinner" will be on sale soon at
> if anyone's interested.

Bookmarked and waiting!
> I'm the head designer for the Truth anti-tobacco industry
> campaign (you may have seen some of our spots on TV). I just
> published a project called "What's Fer Dinner" and
> dedicated it to Moz. It's basically a pro-vegetarian design
> piece that was inspired by "Meat Is Murder" (I came up
> with the idea when he was singing that song at one of his shows
> in Boston last year).
> I've been a huge fan since around 1985, and felt this dedication
> was the least I could do for all the music he's given us.

> Anyway, I want to send him a copy of it. Does anyone know how I
> can find his address? If anyone can help me out, I'll send them
> a free copy.
> -----------------------
> P.S. "What's Fer Dinner" will be on sale soon at
> if anyone's interested.
Thanks for the kind words---glad you like the truth campaign!

> Your Truth anti-tobacco industry campaign is brilliant! The
> shocking 'in your face' approach you take to your ads bring the
> harsh truths of smoking to the eyes and minds of the masses
> beautifully! The first one I saw was the one with all the body
> bags piled up outside some tobacco giant's office. Genius!!
> ----------------------

> Bookmarked and waiting!
Smoke on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You Mofos can go screw yourself. You wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you in the face. What gave you the right to be didactic to other people. most of your claims are vascous and facile. Using facts from a movie is laughable. The tactics you use are so stupid and cornball. It's a stupid, stupid ad campain. David Ogilvy would probably laugh at you.
Re: Smoke on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, why don't you tell us what you REALLY think?! Don't be so shy!

Really, you don't know what you're talking about. We're not against smokers. We love smokers. We hate greedy tobacco companies that lie to you and sell a deadly, addictive product.

If you want to smoke cigarettes, by all means, smoke away. Just understand what you're getting yourself into.

By the way, the campaign wins awards every week, so I'd advise you not to become an ad critic when you (finally) grow up.

> You Mofos can go screw yourself. You wouldn't know the truth if
> it smacked you in the face. What gave you the right to be
> didactic to other people. most of your claims are vascous and
> facile. Using facts from a movie is laughable. The tactics you
> use are so stupid and cornball. It's a stupid, stupid ad
> campain. David Ogilvy would probably laugh at you.
Re: Smoke on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's such a thing as an ad award? The only useful award for you is a crab award (for lateral thinking). You're probably one on those youth poeple aren't you, the slipnot, MTV type, selling trinkets is lowbrow. I have no kind words to write to you. Your marketing is a farce. I don't even think youth marketing, or whatever pretencious term you coined for it, is renumerative. Young people don't know anything, I know that because Morrissey is not as big as he should be. I think it's you're sales pitch to the big companies that you get the contracts is what it is. I'll take a stab at your ads, shocking people doesent work if you don't have a "recency effect" working for you, one day i'll just be trite like it is now. That Russell Crowe movie is old now. You have to build a focus, come to think of it you people have no focus. Well you are selling to a fickle crowd.

The argument versus good money and bad money was settled in the 50's and libretarians won. So your big argument is avaricous businesspersons doing ellicit business practices. All profits are good profits. What's the difference between tobacco companies and "monetized internet services", there is none, both are asking for money but the latter is least useful. Most of these people have moved on and are now big food concerns, they've moved on and you have not. If that is the focus of your campain then you've got no point.

Re: Smoke on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You seem like a very angry person.

You don't have any idea what any of this is really about (trust me), yet you're not afraid to go way out there on a limb and act like you do. (Slipnot?! Why the hell would I be spending time at a Moz site if I was into Slipnot?).

The tobacco companies lied for years. And their industry is unique. Can you name any other product that kills 1200 people every day without a product recall? And don't give me that "freedom of choice" crap. What choice does a 14 year old girl have who starts smoking cigarettes to impress her friends and then gets addicted? Is that really freedom of choice?

At Truth we go way out of our way not to preach--we just want to give people straight information. This is not a group of snobby goodie-goodies looking down our noses at smokers. If that's what you think, you simply are wrong. I hate to disappoint you.

If you don't like the ads, that's fine. And if you want to smoke, go ahead, by all means. Want a light?

> There's such a thing as an ad award? The only useful award for
> you is a crab award (for lateral thinking). You're probably one
> on those youth poeple aren't you, the slipnot, MTV type, selling
> trinkets is lowbrow. I have no kind words to write to you. Your
> marketing is a farce. I don't even think youth marketing, or
> whatever pretencious term you coined for it, is renumerative.
> Young people don't know anything, I know that because Morrissey
> is not as big as he should be. I think it's you're sales pitch
> to the big companies that you get the contracts is what it is.
> I'll take a stab at your ads, shocking people doesent work if
> you don't have a "recency effect" working for you, one
> day i'll just be trite like it is now. That Russell Crowe movie
> is old now. You have to build a focus, come to think of it you
> people have no focus. Well you are selling to a fickle crowd.

> The argument versus good money and bad money was settled in the
> 50's and libretarians won. So your big argument is avaricous
> businesspersons doing ellicit business practices. All profits
> are good profits. What's the difference between tobacco
> companies and "monetized internet services", there is
> none, both are asking for money but the latter is least useful.
> Most of these people have moved on and are now big food
> concerns, they've moved on and you have not. If that is the
> focus of your campain then you've got no point.

> KEEP YOUR REMONSTRATIONS TO YOURSELF, that's really what I think
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