Dear God Please Help Me - like this song

Re: Oh it's gay alright...

> Just to clear it up: this seems no more a "gay" song than
> Handsome Devil, probably less so given the overt "a boy in the bush
> is worth two in the hand" line. Yes, Moz sings "HE motions to
> me/with HIS hand on my knee" but his response is "Dear God,
> please help me..." which could be a rebuffal Then there is a musical
> bridge - REM-like, I think - suggestive of time passing or the scene
> changing and Morrissey is singing in the second person to somebody else of
> unspecified gender: "Now I'm spreading YOUR legs..."

> So, Moz manages to titilate with the hint of homosexuality in the earlier
> verse but reverts to the more usual gender ambiguity in the next.

> As he has said before: he can have both.

He might have both, but in this particular song the first person is having dick. If you need to come up with some intellectual codswallop to so arrange a theory that makes this song less gay in order to enjoy it, that's really fare enough. But don't tell me a big hard hawkeye is a soft little breast. Remember that the homoerotic precedent is already set in the following track--unless you can derive a gender-unspecified meaning from "nothing [until you] entered me"--so it's most likely that "his hand on my knee" means just that. I hope I haven't been rude; I'm just of a completely different mind. Anyhow, I think it shows a lot of confidance and guts in Morrissey to open an album with two queer songs, and I salute him.
> I really like this. It just a very subtle song. Lovely stuff.
I have one thing to say bout this song I love it
Oh no it's not!

> If you need to come up with some intellectual codswallop to so
> arrange a theory that makes this song less gay in order to enjoy it,
> that's really fare enough.

Erm, no it's wouldn't be "fare" enough. I enjoy "Handsome Devil" and that is a thoroughly "gay" song. So don't presume anything about me.

> Remember that the homoerotic precedent is already set in
> the following track

How can a precedent be set by a following track - a precedent is set by the track that precedes it...

--unless you can derive a gender-unspecified meaning
> from "nothing [until you] entered me"--so it's most likely that
> "his hand on my knee" means just that. I hope I haven't been
> rude; I'm just of a completely different mind.

There's nothing gender-specific about "I entered nothing and nothing entered me" - it clearly can be read more than one way: physically or mentally or metaphorically... but yes, a hand on a knee is indeed a hand on a knee! I just think it's reductive to call it a "gay" song.

> Anyhow, I think it shows a lot of confidance and guts in Morrissey to open an album with two queer songs, and I salute him.

Why? Is it brave to be Jimmy Somerville? I don't think he has done, but I salute him anyway.
Re: Briansd wrote:

Thanks for the kind word. However I am feeling a bit like a homophobe. Viva Morrissey may his kegs erupt often!


> That was a really laughable post; I like this person 'Briansd.' DGPHM is
> an incredibly queer sounding song to me, whether Moz is signing in the
> first person or not, and I love it, as I've said. But I wish I had written
> what Briansd had written above as it was probablly the proper straight
> man's response...and so much more funny than anything I came up with. For
> the record, I certainly can't identify with the song either.

> ...currently Listening to the song, I just considered that the first
> lyrical bits including the line, "explosive kegs between my
> legs" might mean that the 'first person' has another man's loaded
> kegs ready to fire off some rounds of mustard before the natural positions
> swap, for the sake of variety and fairness, which takes places in a later
> verse: "Now I'm spreading HIS legs...

> ...Dear God, what am I singing along to?! Oh well.
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