COME IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Going to the past Morrissey shows was great!! I was able to go to 5 of his shows and I must say he lit up the stage! But one thing really bothered me, and I am sure it must have bothered any other great Moz fan out there in Southern California...Me and my girlfriend noticed a great deal of rockabilly's, and greasers most of which came in packs. Of course it's no big suprise to me that they were there thinking that Moz will play songs that they only know ( like Suedehead, or Sing Your Life, or How Soon Is Now?, or The Loop) but they always come with this imgae, an ego, of toughness and anarchy, "machismo" as they say, which is all fake.

Well, these guys always have something to prove, so during his shows there was pushing and shoving and kicking and hitting and fighting by the greasers and rockabilly's...All of this at a Morrissey show?? Morrissey isn't "machismo", he doesn't act tough, violence isn't part of Morrissey, greaser and rockabilly isn't part of Morrissey. These guys always mess things up, I mean at all those shows I couldn't enjoy all of them becuase there was always some fool that got pushed ON ACCIDENT so he had to push back ON PURPOSE and there starts the fight, so his friends got to join in and ruin a song or even half the show for everyone else. PEOPLE DON'T COME TO MOZ SHOWS TO FIGHT DUMB @#!!!S!!! We come to see and hear one of the greatest men in rock history and we would like to enjoy the show!!

One of the reasons I think they come is becuase of Morrissey's backing group, which have the rockabilly image and came from a rockabilly band. But thats not what Morrissey will play, and yes he and his band do have the look, but it's just a look. All the real Moz fans like him becuase of his musical talent, his messages, and because they can relate to his songs, not becuase of the "look". Greasers and rockabilly's are just in it for the look and thats not what it's all about. Don't go wearing a Moz or Smiths shirt knowing only one of two of his songs. That's wack!! Know all his songs, read books on him and then you'll be able to truly appreciate Morrissey.

I don't mind if these guys came in peace and to enjoy the show, but that will never happen becuase of that ego they have. So, to all you greasers and rockabilly's out there, you guys should come in peace or don't come at all!!!!!! Leave your ego's at home, and come to have fun!!
I saw this same problem at the convention also. STICK TO HOOTANNANY!!!
Go in Pieces

> Well, these guys always have something to prove, so during his
> shows there was pushing and shoving and kicking and hitting and
> fighting by the greasers and rockabilly's...All of this at a
> Morrissey show?? Morrissey isn't "machismo", he
> doesn't act tough, violence isn't part of Morrissey, greaser and
> rockabilly isn't part of Morrissey.

Look at the images he uses for Backdrops and Album/single Covers and tell me he doesn't portray these images.. He has 2 Videos with Skinheads in them. Skins are not known for their politeness. There is a sorta of romanticism with violence that has always been there, and you are either to blind or dumb to see it. There is pushing at shows and it happens. If I am getting pushed for 20 minutes straight it gets on my last nerve so I am going to push back. if you don't like it stand in the back. Now before you go telling people to read books and listen to lyrics before they can call themselves real fans maybe you should look in the mirror. I'll start you on your way and give you an easy one. You say there is no "anarchy or toughness" about Morrissey?? Let's look at Jimmy Dean. What is James Dean remembered for and portraying?

* And for some of you older people on this board that remember MLL, Just wanted to pop in and say Hello.
it takes strenght to be gentle and kind!!

I remember going to his shows and not seeing anything on his backdrops that potray these imges, not recently anyway. What albums does he use this "image" in? I've seen all of his covers (not including bootlegs becuase he doesn't pick the covers for those) I dont see greaser or rockabilly?? I see James Dean, but what's James Dean doing? He isn't being violent. Morrissey likes James Dean becuase of the role he played in "Rebel Without A Cause" as a misunderstood youth longing for love and attention not violence. Look at all the album covers, except for "Singles" and they are mostly guys that have nothing to do with this greaser or rockabilly.

Skinheads are a part of England...Morrissey always uses things in his work that are part or relate somehow to his mother country. He uses skinheads becuase of that youth frustration, their longing to be loved and that attention that all young kids need growing up, just like "Rebel Without A Cause". Thats why he uses
them in his work. Hmmm, now that makes me wonder, are you longing for that love and attention?? Hehe....anyway that part of looking in the mirror, well im not proud of saying this but I was once a greaser and yes thats how I know it's all fake. But that's the past now, and I'm glad to be just me and not trying to impress anybody or look or act tough.

Even though I was IN THE BACK at his shows, there still would be fights, by who?? none other than the infamous grease monkeys. Of course there will be pushing at shows, theres pushing at any show, and pushing back is all normal, but theses guys take it to the extreme. I mean you're getting pushed ON ACCIDENT so DONT TAKE IT ALL PERSONAL!!!!! If you don't want to be pushed also, come join me in the back!
> Going to the past Morrissey shows was great!! I was able to go
> to 5 of his shows and I must say he lit up the stage! But one
> thing really bothered me, and I am sure it must have bothered
> any other great Moz fan out there in Southern California...Me
> and my girlfriend noticed a great deal of rockabilly's, and
> greasers most of which came in packs. Of course it's no big
> suprise to me that they were there thinking that Moz will play
> songs that they only know ( like Suedehead, or Sing Your Life,
> or How Soon Is Now?, or The Loop) but they always come with this
> imgae, an ego, of toughness and anarchy, "machismo" as
> they say, which is all fake.

> Well, these guys always have something to prove, so during his
> shows there was pushing and shoving and kicking and hitting and
> fighting by the greasers and rockabilly's...All of this at a
> Morrissey show?? Morrissey isn't "machismo", he
> doesn't act tough, violence isn't part of Morrissey, greaser and
> rockabilly isn't part of Morrissey. These guys always mess
> things up, I mean at all those shows I couldn't enjoy all of
> them becuase there was always some fool that got pushed ON
> ACCIDENT so he had to push back ON PURPOSE and there starts the
> fight, so his friends got to join in and ruin a song or even
> half the show for everyone else. PEOPLE DON'T COME TO MOZ SHOWS
> TO FIGHT DUMB @#!!! S!!! We come to see and hear one of the
> greatest men in rock history and we would like to enjoy the
> show!!

> One of the reasons I think they come is becuase of Morrissey's
> backing group, which have the rockabilly image and came from a
> rockabilly band. But thats not what Morrissey will play, and yes
> he and his band do have the look, but it's just a look. All the
> real Moz fans like him becuase of his musical talent, his
> messages, and because they can relate to his songs, not becuase
> of the "look". Greasers and rockabilly's are just in
> it for the look and thats not what it's all about. Don't go
> wearing a Moz or Smiths shirt knowing only one of two of his
> songs. That's wack!! Know all his songs, read books on him and
> then you'll be able to truly appreciate Morrissey.

> I don't mind if these guys came in peace and to enjoy the show,
> but that will never happen becuase of that ego they have. So, to
> all you greasers and rockabilly's out there, you guys should
> come in peace or don't come at all!!!!!! Leave your ego's at
> home, and come to have fun!!

Um.......Do you even know what a real rockabilly person is? I guess not, by associating them with the greaser/rebel type. I'd much rather have them at the shows than the meatheads I saw at some of the LA shows last year. Believe me, I am the farthest thing from a rockabilly, but it's not fair to loop them in w/ those others. At least they have some style, and know a little bit about music. And usually they are very big fans of Morrissey. Not like the plucked eyebrows/Harley Davidson wearing dorks that come for the fact that they are just trying to portray an image.
Even when he's not touring, and there is no tour in sight, this comes up.....

Why don't you save it for the next tour so that it would be fresh on people's minds......
Adrian: Greaser and rockabilly isn't part of Morrissey.

Who the @#!!! do you think you are?
What right do you have to say who can or cant be a fan.
im sure hafe of them are biger, more loving fans than you could ever be.
& yes at the convention their was the dumb "mozpit" but I saw more than just Greasers and rockabilly kids in their.
Greasers also call themselves rockabilly, at least the ones I knew, which is wack, so that's why I associated them together.
And yes I did see a couple of real rockabillys getting into the fights, which they started!!
>I don't mind if these guys came in peace and to enjoy the show, but >that will never happen becuase of that ego they have. So, to all you >greasers and rockabilly's out there, you guys should come in peace >or don't come at all!!!!!! Leave your ego's at home, and come to >have fun!!

Did you read what I wrote?? Are you @#!!!ing illiterate? I never said who can or can't be a fan. ALL I"M SAYING IS DONT COME TO FIGHT SO THAT YOU DONT RUIN IT FOR ANYONE ELSE!!!!
Re: it takes strenght to be gentle and kind!!

I kind of like the roughness of a Morrissey show, personally. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that I am 6'4" (6'6" with the hair piled high!) and 220 pounds, so a little pushing and shoving by the people around me doesn't bother me.
Re: it takes strenght to be gentle and kind!!

haha, that sounds like a good idea to gain a little height!!
Your face I can see, and it's desperatly what's at the back of your mind?

You know what, the reason I brought this up all of a sudden is becuase on Sunday night me and some of my friends were talking about how great it was to see Moz in concert and how we hope that he will come back again, and then my friend brought up how there was fights and how someone got stabbed during one of his shows...and all of this really pissed us off. We all knew who the perpetrators were.

There could be fights when the opening band comes on, there could be fights before the opening band, there could be fights outside before and/or after the show, but what really bothered us is when there are fights during Morrissey's performance. Let's face it, it bothers a lot of us Morrissey fans. Yeah theres pushing and s.h.i.t. like that, but it's not on purpose, so don't take it personal...Don't worry it ruin your "image". Show some respect to Morrissey and the rest of the fans, don't f.u.c.k. it up!! THAT WAS THE POINT TO MY FIRST MESSAGE!! There are people who want to enjoy the show.
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