are there any ORANGE JUICE fans here



I know months back someone posted some live mp3s... I missed it
can someone please upload again?
I think Suzanne is into ORANGE JUICE...

Re: I think Suzanne is into ORANGE JUICE...

I'm talking about the postcards band Orange Juice fronted by
Edwyn Collins.
Re: I think Suzanne is into ORANGE JUICE...

Don't mind Codreanu, that mime knows nothing about music.
Re: I think Suzanne is into ORANGE JUICE...

I don't a day without MARMALADE.
there's nothing like a nice, cold glass of cranberry juice
Yeah, for urinary infections...

In my heady days of juicing, my favoured concotions were a) apple + strawberry b) watermelon c) carrot + celery + ginger (shut up, Ian!); b and c served ice-cold.

We won't talk about the cabbage and beets.
I cant help with the mp3's - but I am a huge OJ fan.

In fact it was a reference to OJ's that made me buy the first smiths single before i'd heard it. the interviewer in the nme described them as being like "an even more romantic orange juice" which hooked me. I was at the time walking around grimsby - my hometown - wearing check shirts, cowboy string neck tie, shorts and a floppy fringe "like roger mcguinn's" a la edwyn. within a week of hand in glove i'd moved to a flattop, a thread of beads and a bunch of daffodils out my back pocket. fickle youth eh!

A good place to start is "the glasgow school" which collects all the postcard stuff together.
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