Alan Bennett and Morrissey


Well-Known Member
After having watched "The Importance of being Morrissey" and listened to Bennett's comments about having Morrissey as a neighbour , I was somewhat disappointed to read the entire 1000-plus pages of Bennett's journals (i.e. "Writing Home" & "Untold Stories") only to come across not even one mention of our man. Yes, I realise this is both trite and obscure but this is "",not my doctoral dissertation.
I think the interest was one-sided, really. Moz was fascinated by Alan Bennett and Bennett just indulged him to be polite.
Amy, you must be right.Little else explains the story where Bennett had the copy of "Bona Drag" sitting on the mantelpiece for years without ever quite getting around to listening to it. How hard would it be( just to indulge one's acquaintance) to give the thing a flip?
I think Bennett recognises something kindred in Morrissey, something interesting and different - hence his out of character appearance on the documentary. But I suspect he has little understanding or time for "popular music" and Morrissey's oeuvre isn't quite his... cup of tea.
They seem to have had that same imagination, admiration and horror of the everyday.
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