A photo from last night

zom said:
Not being all that big on seeing Morrissey tear off his shirt, I asked a buddy of mine his thoughts. The question was posed like this: If your were the lead singer of a band in your 40's and not in the best shape of your life, would you throw your shirt to the crowd? My friend replied by saying, Dude if they would tear it up I would throw it. I think I agree.


I like that logic, zom. It makes sense.
My guess is it's done in a very tongue-in-cheek manner these days. He's too smart to be unaware of the silliness of what he's doing. I can't imagine Morrissey thinking "Alright, now it's time to make the crowd drool by exposing my manly torso!" every time he tosses those shirts out. :) Although you never know...

I can understand why people would rather a middle-aged man not act like that. Morrissey isn't the average middle-aged man, though. I think it's endearing, like most of Moz's quirks.
Thank you for that beautiful picture.
I like to imagine that Morrissey takes his shirt off like that every night when he goes to bed.
I have seen younger men in a worse physical shape than Morrissey thats for sure. I think he looks fine for his age.

Besides if he didnt take his shirt off then fans wouldnt get the chance to own it. Maybe he should wear a vest underneath so as not to offend.
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