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  1. cherrylipstick

    Antwerp - Stadsschouwburg (Nov. 27, 2014) post-show

    Just my thoughts. As sad as it is, it's no surprise we get the hecklers at the shows seeing what some people do write here. I still love going to Moz shows! If you don't like him......just ignore him. As simple as that!
  2. cherrylipstick

    Munich Roll Call

    Spontaneous Moz gigs are the best ones ;)! I am not too far away from the venue so I might be there sometime between 4 and 5, I will see. Been to Munich a couple of times but its been a few years now ;) so maybe I will run into you :) or we could meet up somewhere incase you're going to the...
  3. cherrylipstick

    Munich Roll Call

    I arrive in Munich at 3-ish, so I will probably be at the venue around 4:30/5-ish. so if you'd like we could meet up :) its my 2nd concert for this year only as Paris cos cancelled and I couldnt go to the re-scheduled one but I couldnt miss out on Munich!
  4. cherrylipstick

    Germany in November again? Yes!

    I am going to be in Munich as well and I asked in the roll call thingy for Munich who else is going so maybe we all could have a little meet up infront of the venue. :)
  5. cherrylipstick

    Munich Roll Call

    I just meant meeting up infront of the venue, Id rather queue than get drunk:D
  6. cherrylipstick

    Munich Roll Call

    Maybe a little early:o but waaay too excited already! Who else is going? Anyone up for a little meet up? Wanted to go with a friend but she's sick now and can't go...
  7. cherrylipstick

    Dusseldorf to Munich

    It takes a while to travel by train from Düsseldorf to Munich (between 5 and 6 hours) so if you dont want to spend so much time in the train it would be a great idea to fly. It only takes an hour and I just checked, its cheaper too. So when you book a one way ticket for the train you have to pay...
  8. cherrylipstick

    Germany in November again? Yes!

    I am still not 100% sure if I should go, arrh. Moz you are tempting me. But in case I should go maybe we could meet up? Anyone else going to Munich? :)
  9. cherrylipstick

    Germany in November again? Yes!

    I am still trying to resist the temptation ;)....I should not go again but I'd love to...SIGH. Anyone going to Munich?
  10. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Leider leider werde ich - so wie es aussieht - das Köln Konzert nicht machen können :( habe natürlich mein Ticket schon...seufz. Wenn jemand dran interessiert wäre, bitte einfach melden!!!
  11. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Ja kann ich mir auch nicht vorstellen, sonst hätten sie es ja dazu geschrieben oder?? Naja spätestens am Montag wissen wir's :p
  12. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Keine Angst du bist nicht zu bled ;) es gab nicht direkt Germany, aber bei den Countries eben einfach "Other" dann gehts auch....
  13. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Dont worry that wont happen if we are all sticking together and form an AMAZING first row:D
  14. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    No one probably knows them cos they are the "forever opening act" ;-) - they are called New Found Glory :-)
  15. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Re: Are Germany concerts are worthy? Well, I would say this is your decision. But I dont think you are going to make many friends on the German side if you ask us if you should rather go to the UK or Germany for gigs. :-) I think if you are a Morrissey fan it always means you are passionate...
  16. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Ja das stimmt, das ist blöd. Für mich wäre Berlin oder Köln gleich von der Entfernung aber da ich in der Nähe von Offenbach arbeite passt das und ich gehe mit jemandem hier aus dem Forum nach Köln, drum mach ich eben Köln. Für ne ganze Tour sind die Tickets allein schon viel zu teuer.
  17. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Ich kann leider nich auch nach Berlin fahren:( weil Köln und Offenbach schon teuer genug sind ;) aber die Columbiahalle ist ne super Venue!!
  18. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Aww cool :) und man muss schon sagen, Konzerte in Berlin sind immer cool, auch wenn ich Mozzer noch nich in Berlin gesehen habe...
  19. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    stimmt :D vorallem wenn man selbst da war (wie ich :D) und es dann nochmal sieht...
  20. cherrylipstick

    Germany Concert Dates

    Gern geschehen :) Mir ging das auch so, bin auch noch nicht sooo lange hier angemeldet, aber habe immer die Seite wg den News gecheckt, aber das Forum ist wirklich super :) Ich mag lieber Live DVDs, dann kann man alles nochmal besser in sich aufsaugen :D Ja ich brauche auch meine...
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