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  1. Mmmmmm

    Best song, best line, best lyric right now

    This one obviously
  2. Mmmmmm

    Name a song that plays and you think "Damn that's a beautiful song"

    Mojave 3 - In Love With A View Sarah McLachlan - Sweet Surrender Jeff Buckley - Everybody Here Wants You
  3. Mmmmmm


    I had a fun evening reading through some of my old posts - which I did because I'll no longer be coming here. To anyone who shared a laugh or an idea with me over the past near-decade, thank you. And thank you David. I simply lost my interest in Moz some time ago. Mmmmmm
  4. Mmmmmm

    Emoticons, LOL, and other crap.

    Am I correct in assuming what you are trying to say is: :confused: :mock: :swear: :head-smack: :censored:? I'm having a tough time determining whether you are being funny, frustrated, disparaging or irate. If only there was some convenient, succinct means of conveying intonation in text...
  5. Mmmmmm

    Cold Advice

    Regardless what remedy you take (ginger, pills, chicken soup, etc.) you are treating the symptoms of a viral infection. There is no cure for the common cold so you might as well take the highest dose of codeine your chemist will allow. The best way to get rid of the cold is to let your...
  6. Mmmmmm

    What did make you smile today?

    Great reviews on the season-closing show I'm directing. You're never certain, but when you read it in the news it puts a smile on your face for sure.
  7. Mmmmmm

    Barack Hussein Obama's Willfull Violation of the U.S. Constitution: Impeach him?

    I agree completely with Theo. Obama - heck, let's just call him Hussein - has clearly violated not only the rights of peaceful overlords of the Libyan dictatorship, but he has done so in a manner that clearly steps on the rightful domain of the Republican party. What sort of president declares...
  8. Mmmmmm

    Breast milk ice cream - really?

    Now where am I going to get a scoop of Butterscotch Nipple? Hopefully they haven't pulled their supply of Spermoni!
  9. Mmmmmm

    Who Put the R in Arsehole?

    Perhaps in America the "R" was sold off in the great American domestic "R" exchange. In the northeast the letter R is frequently sold off to southern states. Consider the following: Pre-"R"-exchange: Bostonian: I had a bowl of chowder at the bar Texan: I washed the potatoes...
  10. Mmmmmm

    Who Put the R in Arsehole?

    Here in Canada we use both Ass (+hole) and Arse (+hole) but in slightly different contexts. If someone is being a real jerk they are an "asshole", however, if someone is simply being annoying or a hindrance they would be an "arsehole". One is clearly a term of aggression borrowed from our...
  11. Mmmmmm

    Who Put the R in Arsehole?

    Mmmm.... I think Chaucer was from London "But with his mouth he kiste hir naked ers". Its been there at least 600 years
  12. Mmmmmm

    Have you ever thought about suicide?

    When you say thinking about suicide do you mean you think about it, what the world would be like after you've gone, who and how much you'd be missed, etc? That much is not at all abnormal or even all that essentially dangerous. Just morbid curiosity wandering into taboo territory. If you...
  13. Mmmmmm

    Signs of sanity in America
  14. Mmmmmm

    Who is that well dressed man? Oh, it's a Mormon.

    Well, since the whole 'religion' is based on the partially-plagiarized fiction of a convicted charlatan and fortune teller whatever they sanction or practice is nonsense anyway. Mormonism is the litmus test for religious illiteracy in America. Anyone who could believe in the Book of Mormon...
  15. Mmmmmm

    converting somebody into vegetarianism

    Back when people had to kill their own animals there were far fewer vegetarians - by choice anyway. As you note, our move to the city, and more importantly our move away from the act of killing has made us queasy about killing. At the heart of it is our natural fear of death. We've...
  16. Mmmmmm

    converting somebody into vegetarianism

    No, that was one person (or more, depending on what you believe) imposing their moral beliefs on another. I'm surprised you can't see that. Consensual simply means consensus was reached. Doesn't mean it went smoothly or that either side got what they wanted. It means that a mutually...
  17. Mmmmmm

    converting somebody into vegetarianism

    I didn't say he was imposing his views on her. Read then write. Are you suggesting that the gains made by rights groups are made because democracies feared for their safety and that laws were changed without due process of democratic legal process? Protest does not equal imposition. It is...
  18. Mmmmmm

    converting somebody into vegetarianism

    It is exactly "accepting change consensually". Thesis + antithesis = synthesis. It doesn't get any more consensual than that.
  19. Mmmmmm

    converting somebody into vegetarianism

    Two problems with your logic, pumpkin. First, the groups you mentioned didn't impose, they began dialogue, they argued and ultimately they won. Nazis, on the other hand chose to impose. Second,they won because they made a compelling argument: We are all naturally born equal. In other words...
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