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  1. Vauxhall Vixen

    York - York Barbican (June 25, 2011) post-show

    Great gig at York on Saturday night- Moz on good form, loved the traditional Yorkshire greeting of Eeeh Bah Gum (or however you spell it!) Also liked the way he referred to the band as the Tetley Bitter Men and the crowd as the OLD York Dolls! Speedway,I want the one I can't have and the...
  2. Vauxhall Vixen

    Morrissey throws a heckler out of the Hamburg concert

    Well this 'Swords' tour is certainly living up to it's name, verbal thrusts and parrys, aggression , cutting remarks and Moz and the audience almost coming to blows. It makes you wonder what's going to happen next! I think after this tour he should have a very long rest and come back refreshed...
  3. Vauxhall Vixen

    Liverpool - no new date, refunds for all

    Dogdayafternoon, I like your signature pic. Me and my hubby went to go and see Frank Sidebottom and John Cooper Clarke on Saturday in Manchester to get over the disappointment of the Liverpool gig the previous Saturday but THAT was cancelled too! I think I'll stay in next Saturday... I've just...
  4. Vauxhall Vixen

    Liverpool, one week on feelings

    Oh Asil, what a shame that you came all that way you must have been so disappointed. My sister lives in Norway. I don't blame you for not coming back if he re-schedules, it would cost a fortune.I only came from Manchester but still was so upset when he didn't come back on. Hope you enjoyed the...
  5. Vauxhall Vixen


    Of all the tours NOT to be covered by insurance on! Seriously though, I do hope the Liverpool gig is rescheduled as it's what the non-drinks lobbing fans deserve. It seems a bit harsh that it should be judged to be Morrissey's fault though as he shouldn't have to put up with being target...
  6. Vauxhall Vixen

    Liverpool - Moz walks off stage

    Re: The new merchandise for the ’Years of Refusal’ tour. LOL:DYou could have made a fortune selling those last night, I was covered in beer at the end of the first's only a shame Morrissey wasn't issued with one before venturing on stage but I don't suppose Gucci do them in their...
  7. Vauxhall Vixen

    Liverpool - Moz walks off stage

    Re: Moz walks off stage Got back to Manchester after last night's concert and have to say I am absolutely gutted.I can't believe one moron could ruin the show for thousands of others. I don't blame Morrissey for walking off as that beer glass could have been followed by others if people thought...
  8. Vauxhall Vixen

    Liverpool 7/11/09 Roll Call

    Yay my ticket arrived O.K. Thank God the postal strike was called off today! My train gets in from Manchester around 6pm so I should be in The Poste House before 6.30...will you be in the upstairs or downstairs bar? I will look for a s and t hooligan shirt, I will wearing a black and...
  9. Vauxhall Vixen

    Liverpool 7/11/09 Roll Call

    I will be going too if my ticket off ebay arrives in time! Can't wait it should be a good gig and looking forward to going in the Liverpool arena...just gotta sort my train ticket out from Manchester now.Will anyone still be in The Poste House at 6.45 ish? Look forward to meeting y'all:)
  10. Vauxhall Vixen

    Birmingham 23/10/09

    Thanks for those Chelsea Steve, quick work on getting them up here so fast! His voice sounds fine on those.
  11. Vauxhall Vixen

    Troxy photos

    Hey those are great, well done Black-eyed.What's that on Mozzer's head in the last one? Did you get a good view from the balcony, your camera makes it look really close.
  12. Vauxhall Vixen

    An OZ sees MOZ in Berlin!

    Oh yeah, sure I see it now, but thanks for sharing them with us anyway, it takes so long to click on all the links so it's good when someone shows the actual pix again so us lazy ones don't miss out:)
  13. Vauxhall Vixen

    An OZ sees MOZ in Berlin!

    Hi Sista, I love your pix from Berlin, especially the one where Boz, Moz and Jesse are falling over and they are all smiling, that is adorable.It sounds like a great show. Glad you got to see your man, Marred, even though you had to travel half way around the world to do so! His reply to your...
  14. Vauxhall Vixen

    May 22nd Birthday Show...

    Sounds like he's wishing a Happy Birthday to Emily (whoever she is) .It was hilarious when they all fall over and Moz says 'people have to be silly...even now'. A most enjoyable gig, hope tonight's was as good.
  15. Vauxhall Vixen

    Stirling... Uh huh

    That looks like the infamous Coachella shirt to me, as featured in the 'Morrissey's worst fashion disasters' thread!
  16. Vauxhall Vixen

    Durham reviews (all positive)

    Thanks 21punksalute for these. I particularly liked the third review by especially the bit where they say 'for a slightly more fan-obsessed view of the show, check out the hilarious(?!) play-by-play over in the Morrissey forums'...Corrissey and NRITH we salute you, your message...
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