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  1. F

    The Meaning of "That's How People Grow Up"

    Does it help that we're not talking about the explicit meaning of "That's How People Grow Up" (yes, we get it, it's about how people grow up...)? Or if not, how about I have my fun and you have yours?
  2. F

    The Meaning of "That's How People Grow Up"

    I think he's written lyrics in the mock-throwaway mode before (most of Ringleader, I think, appears thrown away but it runs right if you throw up the hood and take a look, and I'm fairly sure there was more explicit mythologizing around the supposed relative spontaneity of Your Arsenal and Viva...
  3. F

    The Meaning of "That's How People Grow Up"

    Aww, I thought I took out the word "twee" before anyone would see it. No one has ever not regretted the word "twee."
  4. F

    The Meaning of "That's How People Grow Up"

    I was unclear. I didn't list any I felt he phoned in. I meant that "Dior" and "That's How People" and "Dagenham Dave" are all sort of great/sort of not. Misfit songs that fit into Morrissey's canon, aren't phone-ins, have a lot to recommend them but are far from perfect. Something about...
  5. F

    The Meaning of "That's How People Grow Up"

    What can one do? The lyric and the sentiment are themselves quite banal. Of course its real problem is that it's not banal, but inane; the quality of art is not measured by how many times it's been done. I may still change my mind again about "That's How People..." (my friend's line on it is...
  6. F

    'That's How People Grow Up' - Zane Lowe Premiere...

    I've always found "That's How People Grow Up" to be not much more than beautifully-sung with a nice hook and an abysmal lyric, and I hate Jerry Finn to hell - so it was to my shock that I found I really loved this studio version. Finn treats Moz' and Kristeen's voices beautifully, and I don't...
  7. F

    The Official NME Story Coverage Thread

    It seems as if the Big Word associated with Morrissey has, at long last, changed from "celibate" - to "bigot," and all so quickly, too. Amy Winehouse is a drunk, Pete Doherty is a drug addict and Morrissey is a xenophobe. Cute. "If you don't reveal yourself," apparently, "we shall do it for...
  8. F

    Morrissey-BBC-Xmas Special!...?

    That was quite funny and plausibly terrifying. Many thanks.
  9. F

    je suis mort ici?

    I never noticed, but that's fantastic and I believe your friend is right - "I died here," past tense. No doubt it was intentional.
  10. F

    Morrissey poll in the Guardian. Vote now

    I find it interesting that they used a photo which makes him look quite young.
  11. F

    Blender magazine ranking...The Smiths #10

    Blender, is it possible that you think the Smiths were sort of gay?
  12. F

    Quotes from Morrissey in NME (Apr 15, 2004)

    Well, I don't think anyone can doubt that these are Morrissey's views. It's just a matter of how it's spun. For me, it's yet another thing I'm struggling to understand about the difference between the US and the UK - over here I'm really not sure this would be read as an "uncomfortably"...
  13. F

    The Official NME Story Coverage Thread

    The last sentence is great. There should be a permanent moratorium on anyone ever using that Wilde quote again, though.
  14. F

    The Official NME Story Coverage Thread

    This is such good soap. Lord. I find the generational aspects of this interesting - according to their MySpaces McNicholas is 34 and Jonze a whopping 27. (Merck's unknown, but he looks to be in his thirties to me.) I wonder how it's affected all of this that McNicholas was fifteen in about 1987...
  15. F

    Tim Jonze wanted to be harsher on Morrissey!

    This whole steaming pile of media bollocks is nothing more than a weak, cheap substitute for a rigorous and self-examining debate about xenophobia. It reads like a nation freaking out, which let me tell you, it's strange to see from the outside.
  16. F

    Moz claims he was misquoted, parts were omitted and questions were changed

    Holy crap - you're right, if he was, he's got them by the squeezy bits.
  17. F

    NME: What might have been...

    First time I read that as: "I find Morrissey very silly. Almost too silly to discuss. It's beyond reason. And makes no sense and is ludicrous" --Morrissey
  18. F

    More comments from Merck on TTY

    While I'm all for suing their asses, I have to say that "to be relentless in bringing the NME ... to justice" sounds like the result of an informal contest between Morrissey and Merck as to who could come up with the most Bush-esque wording.
  19. F

    Breaking News?!?

    While formulating my reaction to all this, it hit me that the only offensive aspect of this business is that everyone's pretending it's about race. It's not, and race (and nation) is too important a matter to displace like this. It's about competing legend-building, or competing icon-building...
  20. F

    New NME Morrissey interview???

    Wow, this is one of the better interviews he's given in recent years. The political comments are woolly at worst, and he makes it quite clear that he's speaking about his personal thoughts about England, not making a sweeping policy statement which he thinks should be meaningful to all. It's...
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