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  1. C

    pre concert music

    i think it was nico rather than the velvet underground but again i do not know the song
  2. C

    When Did Your Morrissey/Smiths fandom begin?

    my dad corrected me on this. i was exposed to morrissey and the smiths whilst stil in the womb
  3. C

    My sad Story

    you fool. if someone messed about at a moz show i was at i'd just ignore them and enjoy the moz part and worry about them afterwards.
  4. C

    who is NOT going to manchester?

    i have to work in oxford on saturday so its impossible to get to the saturday show or get back from the friday one. :(
  5. C

    That old chestnut....again

    to be honest i think i'd be happy if he sang girls aloud songs for 3 hours. morrissey can make anything seem wonderful.
  6. C

    That old chestnut....again

    i like a few classic ones like the older moz and smiths and stuff and then some new ones. i loved the birmingham set from this tour its been my favourite. i quite like having some b sides and stuff because i tend to know the words and quite a few dont. ahah cheap trhills. x
  7. C

    Tshirt question

    i got thats smiths one from there about 3 years ago and its still in good condition.
  8. C

    morrissey pets

    nice i have a cat called tiggy. thats nearly the same.
  9. C


    its not jealously, it's just wonder as i don't really get why people admire her. yeah, seeing moz alot is great but when it gets to the point it rules your life, personally i feel thats a little sad. but if thats how she enjoys living her life its up to her.
  10. C


    yeh. shes not actually moz.
  11. C


    does she expect special treatment? every time i have seen morrissey i know he speaks to her but thats just nice.
  12. C

    morrissey pets

    i saw some video footage of morrissey and a dog which caused me to wonder whether he has more pets and if so what they are called. does anyone know?
  13. C

    Moz and mental illness.

    on the documentary called the importance of being Morrissey he and someone else talk about depression. i think its on you tube, in 4 parts. its a very good watch.
  14. C


    why would people badmouth her. silly fools.
  15. C

    How and when have you discovered Smiths/Moz music?

    my dad played me there is a light in our living room about 4 years ago. i didn't get really into them however, until about a month later when my mum had a best of in the car. i liked the noises moz made. i first saw moz because of the smiths when i was 14 and my admiration for him has grown...
  16. C

    beethoven was deaf - suedehead

    on this i swear moz halfway through says "i'm a warthog." am i deluded?
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