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  1. Dougal

    pre concert music

    Couldn't resist putting up the lyrics to Sophie Tucker song- it's along, dull afternoon at work & I need to amuse myself! If i had the know-how would upload the song but her out, she's a scream. 'According to the columnists, a rumour somehow still persists That a certain...
  2. Dougal

    pre concert music

    'I'm Living Alone And I Like It' sung by the incredible Sophie Tucker- reminiscent of Noel Coward/ Mae West, masculine sounding vocals- very witty lyrics and if a song ever summed up Moz's stance on co-habitation...
  3. Dougal

    Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

    Yes! That's where I got my copies of those films- I burnt the newspaper of course but treasure the DVDs. Of course it was a Moz fan on the staff- I think he appeals to Grumpy Old Tories, disturbingly enough..
  4. Dougal

    Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

    If you still need it, here's what Moz said in South Bank Show- 1987. Have edited it to include more pertinent comment- 'There are certain violent expressions....I can really understand that because sometimes, & certainly when you're like Arthur Seaton, from a working class background, you...
  5. Dougal

    Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

    Albert Finney's performance is magnetic. This film stands up to repeated viewings- like you, Brel, have put this to the test. Never fails me. Hylda Baker is effortlessly REAL, as ever. Along with Dora Bryan, Beryl Reid etc- generation of superb, dare I say, working class actresses. No-one to...
  6. Dougal

    Just back from filming Culture Show (to be shown this coming Saturday)

    It was quite a day. Great to meet you both- true, it was a bit like the message board had come to life- but thankfully we didn't end up hurling personal insults at each other. Given more time and sugary snacks, I'm sure we would've managed it though...Made it back to my desk by 3.30. Boss didn't...
  7. Dougal

    Noel Gallagher's Embarrassing Moz Incident

    Really funny anecdote on Russell Brand's Radio 2 show last night. Russell interviews Noel who teases him mercilessly about his Moz induced sycophancy and then recounts his most embarrassing encounter with a celeb- Morrissey. Can't possibly do it justice here- it's on the 'Listen Again' facility...
  8. Dougal

    Moz' Reaction To Bill Oddie's remarks...

    There's some weirdness at play though- Oddie is a genuine Grumpy Old Shit- more dangerously, he's bitter. Whilst not directly envious of Morrissey, he harbours oceans of resentment- he's well known for feeling cheated that he wasn't part of the Monty Python team. Also, he's a huge Prince fan- as...
  9. Dougal

    Just got back from Russell Brand Show!

    Re: Just listened to the Russell Brand (radio) Show! Thanks for that- can't help replaying the sequence of events in my head but I end up concluding that I was unable to act any differently. The encounter, had it happened or should it ever, can never match what happens when I experience...
  10. Dougal

    When will The Man be on Russell Brand's show?

    Best interview of recent times I think. Thought the mutual admiration was quite lovely. Wonderful. As for Victoria Wood, like many 'Ringleaders', her influence is largely overlooked- she's hugely talented.
  11. Dougal

    Just got back from Russell Brand Show!

    I got the impression that Morrissey genuinely liked Russell- there was a warmth there. I must admit, never having been so close to Moz before, he has a very warm, relaxed, positive energy. Not that I exactly expected him to be grimacing in a corner but he was incredibly gracious. It was even...
  12. Dougal

    who styles there hair like moz?

    The first five words of your post say it all- 'I would love nothing more' and are followed by the most depressing five words I've heard in along time- 'but I am a female'...Call me selfish, but anything I ever really wanted to do, provided it didn't harm anyone, I have done and never never...
  13. Dougal

    who styles there hair like moz?

    Why for the men?? Apart from the sideburns, think there are some females who go for the short back and sides. If you have the cheekbones/ jawline/ guts, why not?
  14. Dougal

    Moz on Russell Brand

    Please God anyone connected with Moz didn't watch, as you so eloquently say, because there are very good reasons for him to cancel...On a selfish level, I hope it goes ahead...even if to witness Brand yelling across the studio,as he did with Amy W, 'Oi! Are you pissed?'. Would love to see the...
  15. Dougal

    Did anyone watch the Russell Brand show last night?

    Thought it was shambolic but am hoping that it wasn't watched by Moz or his 'fixers' because if they had any sense, they'd pull out. Obviously having a ticket, am praying he goes ahead with it. What did people make of the performance space? Looked tiny. Who will he bring along?
  16. Dougal

    Life is a Pigsty

    I love the contrast between the harmonious notions/ motions of Tai Chi and the sentiment of the song. If he ever makes promo for it, would be sublime to see Moz perform this very routine in a forest clearing or a cornfield or perhaps a motorway service station foyer.
  17. Dougal

    Why Such Negativity?

    Worm- you've hit a series of nails quite beautifully on their darling little heads. It's deeply satisfying to 'hear' someone say exactly what I think/ feel- and so eloquently. Very therapeutic. Clever you!
  18. Dougal

    Have you already seen him cry?

    I meant uncharitable comments about him being two stone lighter- or possibly needing to be- not the fact that he admits to crying.
  19. Dougal

    Have you already seen him cry?

    Don't be sad! I totally understand your original enquiry- my first thought was of 1994 interview (in full on Motorcycleauapairboy site) where he responded to this question- 'Q: Are you moved to tears very easily? Yes, very, very easily. As a very dull example... the film Jane Eyre I sat...
  20. Dougal

    Morrissey's 'My Top Ten' on BBC6

    For anyone who hasn't heard it, this is on the 'Listen Again' facility on BBC6 website at present. Not sure how long it will be there as it's an archive. Here's the address- afraid you'll have to copy and paste it! No you won't! Magic.
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