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  1. Chileiceman

    Niagara Falls, NY - Rapids Theatre (Oct. 19, 2012) post-show

    First ever Morrissey show. My stars, what a night. Best concert that I have ever been to. I just want to go to more now, but being poor and Canadian sucks for being a Moz fan. I sang my lungs out. My only gripe was this stupid drunk New Yorker who talked during Kristeen Young's WHOLE...
  2. Chileiceman

    What did make you smile today?

    The middle aged pervert looking at porn in the public library. I could not stop laughing.
  3. Chileiceman

    conversation using only morrissey lyrics

    At heart, what's left, we sadly know, that we are the last truly British people you'll ever know.
  4. Chileiceman

    "Maladjusted" versus "Ammunition"

    Ammunition is just a bad song, sorry. Maladjusted on the other hand, rocks.
  5. Chileiceman

    Strange/unexpected Moz references?

    I came to post exactly this. The announcer just kept randomly dropping Moz references. He also said something like "It's Southpaw Grammar for Regal", "Regal, You are the Quarry" and he called Regal Johnny Marr. I couldn't believe my ears.
  6. Chileiceman

    Morrissey - Live Chile 2000 + 2004 ( DVD FULL )

    Gracias. Ojala que Morrissey vuelva a Chile. Una lastima que aun yo no ea fanatico cunado vino las dos veces.
  7. Chileiceman

    "Not Again!" Mozzer's Sexuality

    Re: "Not Again!" Mozzer's Sexuality (poll) Maybe he just makes love to himself. That's what I do:straightface:
  8. Chileiceman

    Strange/unexpected Moz references?

    Morrissey gets a mention on The Soup. Rock of Love with Morrissey. That would be something to behold.
  9. Chileiceman

    Andrew Collins and Morrissey

    It's a f***in Union Jack. The man is proud to be British, nothing wrong with that. Just because you love your country doesn't make you racist.
  10. Chileiceman

    A new compilation album 'Swords'

    Re: So, a new compilation album 'Swords' Most people don't buy singles, so it's cool that he's doing this.
  11. Chileiceman

    "So Low"

    I'm relatively new here and don't frequent this site all that much, but it has caught my eye how much flack the poor moderator gets. In other forums I participate, if you bash the moderators you get banned.
  12. Chileiceman


    But that makes no sense at all. I love Southpaw, one of my all-time favorite songs. Not a huge fan of Teachers, though. Southpaw kind of represents the phase I'm in, becoming an adult and really not seeing any joy in it.
  13. Chileiceman

    Who thinks Morrissey is ugly?

    I'm a hetero male, but I can admit that a man is good looking or not. I think Moz used to be OK looking, but I really don't understand all the gushing in the present day. He should kep his shirt on. Now, I can understand why someone would be attracted to him from a non physical standpoint...
  14. Chileiceman

    morrisseys worst fashion disasters!

    I was looking for this one. I'm a big soccer fan, so I think it's pretty cool, but at the same time ridiculous.
  15. Chileiceman

    How come not many teens listen to the Smiths/Morrissey?

    Lots of teens listen to Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Stones and other bands who no longer exist. Apparently lots listen to Michael Jackson. I guess dying is a great cure to fading popularity.
  16. Chileiceman

    How come not many teens listen to the Smiths/Morrissey?

    I'm 19, and have been listening to Moz/Smiths since I was 17. I don't know anyone my age who likes him, unfortunately. It'd probably help if he'd come to my country, but he refuses because we enjoy killing baby seals (it's great fun, much recommended) I've yet to see him live, which saddens...
  17. Chileiceman

    There's nothing wrong with you

    I love that album. Very underrated. I like all the songs except Sorrow...
  18. Chileiceman

    Need help finding an article

    Thanks, you're the best :)
  19. Chileiceman

    Need help finding an article

    I live in the wrong London unfortunately. Mine is a crappy city in Canada (where Moz refuses to come visit :tears:)
  20. Chileiceman

    Need help finding an article

    Well, that's mighty kind of you. But only if you want to.
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