How do you feel about Morrissey boycotting Canada due to the seal killing debate? (anonymously suggested)

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  • Canada & Turkey (Score:1, Redundant)

    There are so many countries that do horrible things, why single out Canada?

    "Turkey holds a horrific human rights record. Torture, disappearance, extrajudicial killings, and imprisonment for political believes form an endless list of reports by various international organizations, such as Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch."

    Enjoy your stay in Istanbul, Morrissey. You give a new meaning to the word hypocrite.

    PS: Don't hold hands with Jed while you're there. You might end up missing...

    Eric Hartman -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:38AM (#207004)
    (User #5103 Info |
    It is a very mixed blessing to be brought back from the dead.
  • I agree, but... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:47AM
    • Re:I agree, but... (Score:2, Interesting)

      Ok part of me says ' yeah alright, maybe it is wrong of Morrissey to single Canada out, and all the other countries which he is playing do equally wrong things ' but then another part of me says ' well he's sticking up for what he belives in,a dn he belives that his decision is right'.
      I'm sticking out of it, but you can't really sort of single out one country because their goverment are dickheads.
      So I do feel for everybody who bought a ticket for Canada, and I hope you get a refund or whatever. I'm really sorry.
      Hello Indie -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:08AM (#207009)
      (User #13749 Info | offers free jars of beetroot for the elderly.
    • Re:I know your national sport... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:38AM
  • Fookin' stoopid! (Score:2, Insightful)

    Even if you share his hardcore views on animal rights, decisions like that surely affect the wrong people! I'd be TOTALLY pissed off, if I'd live in Canada. On the other hand, he's not too concerned about playing the US with it's even worse government, eh? Ah, I forgot about market sales, and their likes, or about, where you can't afford to miss out on touring, and where you can. By the way, I absolutely do understand why "Passions-Just-Like-Mine" has -temporarily?- stopped. I often wonder why David Tseng is still putting his very heart into this site, after having all this shit thrown at him from the man himself. "Steven, yes, you're older now, and you're a clever swine!"
    Opolus -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:01AM (#207021)
    (User #5987 Info)
    "Slit my eyes, for they'll remember..."
  • Just wish the police would get off their arses and prosecute those toffs that still do it.

    Bryan Ferry's son should have been executed for what he did, just like what happened to the last guy that invaded the House of Commons.
    memphis <[email protected]> -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:05AM (#207022)
    (User #2515 Info)
    'You don't know the power in what I'm saying' x
  • isn't it entirely likely that he had no intention of touring canada and is taking the opportunity to potest about this unpleasant practice? it's hardly surprising.
    featherweight -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:25AM (#207026)
    (User #6542 Info)
  • I'm giving Gnarles Barkley a chance... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @06:06AM
  • Boycott this!!! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @06:12AM
  • Let's go Clubbing! by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @06:44AM
  • Canadian Seal Hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @06:52AM
  • Such as 'not sure' or 'agree, but he should take account of the fans'.
    And can we get off the undermining idea that seals are cute and cuddly; because they're not. Even a baby seal is vicious enough to take a chunk out of you. But, whether an animal is passive or not, the point of Morrissey's stance remains valid. We have no right to go around culling animals. What we're really saying when it comes to a cull is that animals are imposing on human activity, in this case fishing. I don't know about the fur trade issue, but Morrissey appears to believe that this is also part of the reason for the cull. They're both incredibly arrogant and cruel reasons. Why don't we stop over-fishing the cod population first, it's our fault fish stocks are depleting, it has bugger all to do with seals, they're just trying to live. Humans are by far the most environmentally reckless animals on this planet, and the simplest biology should tell you that there's no need to cull a population, because nature does that for you.
    But, aside from ranting on about the wrongs of culling, the other argument on here has been, why boycott Canada and not other countries? Well, he'd have nowhere to go if he responded to every injustice would he? Activists don't do that, they tackle what is high profile and what is likely to get the most response, and this particular boycott has certainly got a lot of response.
    I don't think it's entirely fair on Canadian fans, and I feel really sorry for them at the moment. But, when the UN boycott the goods of a country, because of that country's government, the people are adversely affected. I'm not saying Mozzer has the impact or the importance of the UN here, I'm just pointing out that boycott's do unintentionally affect innocent parties. Let's hope Mozzer can come up with some damage limitation for his fans in Canada, like playing on the border or at least writing a message for them.
    Mozzersgirl -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:19AM (#207058)
    (User #14229 Info)
    "There's more evil in the charts than in an al-Qaeda suggestion box" - Bill Bailey
  • Agree? (Score:2, Insightful)

    isimply cannot understand how so many can agree with Morrissey's boycott of Canada. even if you agree with his views on the seal hunt, his boycott makes no sense whatsoever.

    to single out Canada from all of the countries in the world that slaughter animals or to single out seals as being the animals that are most precious and in need of defence defies any logic or reason.

    in effect, his boycott is only really aimed at those who hav nothing whatsoever to do with the seal hunt- Morrissey fans in the Toronto area (and possibly in areas surrounding other major Canadian cities which Morrissey has not been to for years, but couldve potenially toured).

    his boycott will hav absolutely no effect on the seal hunt itself as those involved in the seal hunt will likely take no notice of his actions.

    he and his cause would be much better off if he came to Canada and intelligently and diplomatically tried to persuade Canadians to change their views and practices. some hav charcterized his stance as "courageous", but nothing could be more cowardly than to simply sling insults from a far while never facing the situation head on.

    this, on top of the indecent way in which he announced his boycott, make the whole thing, if nothing worse, completely foolish.

    clearly, the only reasonable explaination for Morrissey's actions is to garner more publicity heading into the release of his new album. he is willing to make the small sacrifice of Canadian album and ticket sales in exchange for more face time with the media, to raise his profile. he has simply exploited his Canadian fanbase for net personal gain and he should be ashamed of himself for that (though im sure that is something he is quite incapable of).

    if you agree with Morrissey's boycott than this what you are agreeing with and if you cant see it you are terribly naive.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:22AM (#207060)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
    • Re:Agree? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @01:02PM
      • Re:Agree? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:39PM
      • Re:Agree? by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @08:06AM
    • Re:Agree? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @01:36PM
  • The reason ... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:01AM
  • I can understand people's criticisms of him, but...well, I'm not sure you could argue that just because there are other 'more important' causes he is wrong.

    People choose to campaign for causes which most interest them most/affect them emotionally, or whatever. He has chosen to campaign for animal rights. That is all.

    Moz has to put his concentration into campaigning for one thing at a time- it would not be possible to change the whole world in one go. He would end up boycotting every country...which is just stupid.

    It's like saying that I would be wrong for giving money to animal charities rather than a charity which helps people. Every charity needs someone to fight for them.

    Admittedly I'm not well informed enough to pass any clear judgement on this seal hunting thing, but it is obviously something which Morrissey feels strongly about- he is perfectly entitled to fight for this cause over any other.

    However, I suppose he could have chosen a better way...played Canada, got the fans' support and asked them to join the campaign against the hunting perhaps? I dunno.
    Wilde is on my side -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:37AM (#207103)
    (User #13955 Info)
    I am the meek, I am the righteous, I am the Morrissey fan.
  • Disagree. (Score:2, Insightful)

    Morrissey is being such a drama queen about this. It's not exactly like Morrissey fans are the ones clubbing the seals, and I also doubt that the sealers will think, "Oh no, Morrissey is refusing to come here because of us! We should stop right now!" It's completely unfair to punish the fans for something that they have no involvement in whatsoever, and he's being incredibly arrogant to think that this one gesture is going to do anything other than make him lose fans.

    I agree that killing all these seals is wrong in itself, but there are about a million better ways Morrissey could help to make a difference, like donating some money to help stop it, rather than being a bitch to his fans.
    fishnet_monkey -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:39AM (#207104)
    (User #12209 Info |
    "But we cannot cling to the old dreams anymore, no, we cannot cling to those dreams..."
    • Re:Disagree. by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:44AM
      • Re:Disagree. by suzanne (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @09:44AM
  • Seal Hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:40AM
    • Re:Seal Hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @10:14AM
    • Re:Seal Hunt by ohglen (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @11:55AM
      • Re:Seal Hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @02:14PM
        • Another Troll by ohglen (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @02:52PM
        • Re:Seal Hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:39PM
      • Re:Seal Hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:48PM
        • Re:Seal Hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @05:11PM
  • Pity's sake... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:54AM
  • i do, but i think he should have found a better way to raise awareness.

    Sure it got the fans riled up. They became angry at him. Not at the seal hunting.

    It hasn't lit a fire in the Canadian Press, presumably because they are used to A-List celebrities coming to their country and holding press conferences, and not trying to make news out of "press releases" buried somewhere on the internet by artists who had already been throwing Canada a bone for the last 10+ years.

    Not to mention the fact that once again, just like the internetters, he has managed to paint an entire population with one broad stroke thanks to a couple of bad apples. Sometimes, I wonder how he makes it out of the house if everyone falls into such black and white categories that aren't deserving of being treated like individuals.
    suzanne -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:55AM (#207113)
    (User #36 Info)
    I scare dead people.
  • seal hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:56AM
  • How has Moz become so dim? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @09:02AM
  • In aid of Peta (or a more specific anti seal hunt charity if there is one) highlighting the problem...

    He brings Jonny Marr on stage about half way through and suddenly.... bang - the concert is big news...

    Now that WOULD raise awareness for an anti seal hunt campaign, and the true and good Canadian fans would not have to get pissed off.

    Refusing to play is a gesture that has its heart in the right place... but somehow that good intention gets strangled by a sense of ill feeling. And a protest of 'not doing' something is never as strong or profound as a protest of 'doing something.'

    Stop me if i over complicate....

    There's still time for a re-think on this!!

    carnal artist -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @09:39AM (#207124)
    (User #7076 Info)
  • He's just choosing his fight(s), maybe catch-as-catch-can. I can only feel right in disagreeing with his lost opportunity to speak publicly in Canada itself.

    At the end of the day, it made people aware of the cause, probably the only good thing to come of it. Oh, and the press he gets. Mooz is just our one-eyed king in this case.
    mattorefice <[email protected]> -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @10:25AM (#207134)
    (User #2318 Info |
    Leslie Towne Hope = Packy West
  • There has been an economic boycott against Canada going on for years. Every time the seal hunt begins, there are rallies and protests in midtown Manhattan, in front of the Canadian consulate, or some such government building. There are protesters with posters and petitions, which I always sign. They have been there for years, and their tenacity and passion is inspiring and heartbreaking.

    The fact that so many people didn't even know that such a boycott was happening is proof that Morrissey was actually quite effective in bringing attention to the subject.

    That being said, I agree that it is the fans, who are probably some of the more progressive people in Canada, who are being hurt. As has been said a million times already, a benefit concert might be more effective, and it would not hurt those stalwart Canadians who have stood by the man through thick and thin.
    Anaesthesine -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @10:36AM (#207140)
    (User #14203 Info)
    If Moz did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
  • Boycott Morrissey instead of boycotting Canada by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @10:57AM
  • Is giving everybody on the side of Canada a score of insightful? David T, please take away this person's right to moderate. Moderators should be moderating on the worth of a comment not on the fact that they agree with somebody else's political viewpoint.

    I guess the same person can downmark this post because I basically agree with Morrissey although I think he could have chosen his words more wisely.

    I'm rather tired of reading how the nation of Canada has been offended. I never knew one country could be so full of cry babies.
    ohglen -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @11:10AM (#207153)
    (User #12046 Info)
  • whats the point of a Boycott?? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @11:17AM
  • Don't you think "clubbing" a seal is a bit wrong? I think it would take more than one whack to kill one.

    Much more humane ways to tackle such a problem. You think?
    oregonfool -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @11:47AM (#207160)
    (User #16077 Info)
    • Re:Barbaric by chrisarclark (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @12:04PM
      • Re:Barbaric by oregonfool (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @12:38PM
      • Re:Barbaric by dewdrop (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:00PM
  • "[...] of little depth, shall we say?" by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @12:02PM
  • you just prove it.

    he was talking about the government. the main point here as some of us have noticed, is that it seems there's a cultural difference that i never knew existed before. even canadians admitted that they identify closely with their government and the word canada....but morrissey was talkiing about the government for allowing the cull and not lowering the quota. you see, you's that you think americans get all wound up whenver people put down the "USA" no!!!!! we can tell the difference between government and citizen...we don't right away think of the citizen when we here our country's name like Canada does. morrisey is British and has lived in the states...he, as many of us outside of canada, never knew the cultural difference between our was all in the language. you guys missed the exageration in morrissey's statement, you guys made comparisons between canadian people and nazi's when moz never made one, you guys thought he meant citizens when he said "canada" when he meant the government.

    in the past he criticized "USA" and we in the US knew he meant the government. in the past he criticized "Britain" and those in that country aslo understood what he menat. but god forbid the most nationalistic country on the planet doesn't understand!!!

    guess what are no longer innocent. you now have a fucked up governmnet so get used to people criticizing you. drop the scary nationalism. "the great C A N A D A" as one poster put it, who's trying to start a morrissey boycott and ROTT burning party in toronto ...look how stupid you look. canada is not great and with its current government, you'll have people letting you know mroe often. so begin to understand the world around you.

    You have only proven you are all freaks. fuck canada, never going to windsor again. i can;t believe how warped you all are.
    Puddle -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @02:03PM (#207236)
    (User #15599 Info)
  • The furry fuckers don't feel much anyways. by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @02:35PM
  • to those charging him with bringing this up now because his album is coming out.

    you are wrong.

    he spoke out against it during the 2004 toronto shows.

    furthermore, the seal hunt started this year on March 25th. hmm...i guess that's why he made the press release when he did. he's joinng a boycott that's alredy in place...that simple.

    you all don't know anything.

    morrissey should never go back to canada again for the way he's been treated. you guys all misunderstood what he said and who the message was directed to and you guys all made false motives for his actions and timing. screw guys owe him and us an apology.

    Puddle -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:10PM (#207282)
    (User #15599 Info)
  • If you don't get mad at gigantic corporations for killing cows with nailguns so they can serve you a burger at *Where ever*, then you certainly can't get angry about hunting season that provides for people with little else available to them.

    Statements like:
    "As the world knows, this slaughter is about one thing only: making money."
    "It WILL make a difference. As things stand, Canada has placed itself alongside China as the cruelest and most self-serving nation,"

    Only show how poorly informed, poorly educated, and deeply in need of this kind of publicity stunt Morrissey is.

    First off, cry about seals when PEOPLE stop killing PEOPLE for the same thing.
    "As the world knows, this Publicity Stunt is about one thing only: making money."
    "As the world knows, this Great new Product is about one thing only: making money."
    Geez, way to play the FUCKING BLOODY OBVIOUS card.
    +10 points.

    Cruelest and self serving? Have you read the news in the past, oh, ten years? Have you heard of this little island community of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that's been self serving since its rebellious birth?

    Can you NAME 5 Canadian WAR LORDS siezing food shipments and murdering innocent PEOPLE for control through FEAR?

    How about the last time Canada attempted to prove its strength to the world, or the god of its majority religion, by attempting genocide?

    By the way, isn't Morrissey from the land that shipped off their inmates on long torturous voyages and, if they didn't die of typhoid or the plague, they were dropped off in a barren wasteland to live out their lives?

    The hunt isn't a recreational "Lets all go down to the iceflows and beat some cuddly little animals to death" event. Its Population control and a way of life.

    Of course, the English have never had a problem with obliterating ways of life, especially if it helps in anyway to make them feel better than other people.

    Christ, you'd think he and McCartney were frightened that people had forgotten their names.

    How about you worry about PEOPLE first, Animals second. Or should we start harvesting our crops in secret too?
    RequiemDogma -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:20PM (#207287)
    (User #16085 Info)
  • Jerk-O by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:37PM
  • That's what all this is about. Canada has been so unnoticable for so long that it was never going to take much for Canadians to explode into a volcano of rage over something that amounted to shite all - if only to get themselves noticed for once.

    It's absolutely hilarious.

    Oh, I'm a Canadian and somebody doesn't like me killing animals for profit, boo hoo ('cause you're selling all your fishing quotas to foreign fleets and wiping out the ocean of fish - so then you have to wipe out the seals to be able to keep your fish stocks up). Anyway, Where were we? Oh yes, I'm Canadian and somebody had a pop at my governement, boo hoo. Oh, I'm Canadian and I come from a country that's never ever done anything that would make anybody notice of it.

    What a crap place it must be.

    Boycott, boycott, boycott! Just to piss you cry babies off if not for any other reason.
    ohglen -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @03:47PM (#207300)
    (User #12046 Info)
  • I was on my way to purchase the new CD when I it occured to me that Mr. M will boycott Canada. Well, I will not get into the politics of this. I will say that, with everything happening around te world this is the cause that he has chosen? So i decided not to purchase his cd. It seems that our money and loyalty is not good for him. My decision...
    I bought the Johnny Marr + the Healers cd. I'll download Morrissey's new cd from LimeWire or Ares, since our money is not a concern to him!
    P.S. Excellent cd Johnny!
    Smithie -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:17PM (#207313)
    (User #16088 Info)
  • you are getting all hard, you are angry with him cause he's not going to visit your country, and if that was my case, I would also be sad as hell but, understand him, he feels great by boycotting you ,let him be
    NakedLondon -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:29PM (#207319)
    (User #14755 Info)
  • Just to let you know a local radio station is requesting all to send Morrissey CD's to the radio station. They, at the end of April, will send it to his record company.
    Smithie -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:38PM (#207322)
    (User #16088 Info)
  • I must applaud Moz's boycott of Canada for the seal butcher. I have read others stating why Canada, with examples of other countries that committ vile acts. This comparison is faulty for the fact that some countries must be held to higher standards. Countries such as Canada and the US pride themselves for progressive views on the treatment of animals and people, thus they must be held to higher standards. Torture and barbarism must be protested at every level and anywhere, but when you put yourself upon a higher moral grounding than you are a hypocrite. Canada has no excuse and I agree with MOZ, just as I would if he didn't play the US due to the torture of international prisoners. Morrissey had also lashed out at Thailand and China as well.
    defari -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:49PM (#207326)
    (User #10050 Info)
  • "if your upset with the parents don't punish the kids!"
    Smithie -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @04:51PM (#207327)
    (User #16088 Info)
    • Re:Boycott by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:44PM
      • Re:Boycott by Smithie (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:50PM
        • Re:Boycott by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @05:41PM
  • The Boycott by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:04PM
  • Forget the Seals by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:11PM
  • Where is Canada? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @05:36PM
    SaucyJack -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @06:31PM (#207358)
    (User #16090 Info)
  • Where was the outrage regarding China boycott? by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:20PM
  • Canada is full of hunter scum by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:23PM

  • this isn't the onion story i was looking for but it's still funny:

    and more harmless fun-poking at canada: ced?search=canada&

    so we know you get your panties in a wad over boycotts but lets see if, at the very least you have a sense of humor....
    VIVAMOZ <[email protected]> -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:38PM (#207380)
    (User #184 Info |
    blame me! i didn't vote!
    • Re:onion by RequiemDogma (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:14PM
      • Re:onion by VIVAMOZ (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @09:06PM
        • Re:onion by RequiemDogma (Score:1) Wednesday March 29 2006, @11:35PM
        • Re:onion by chrisarclark (Score:1) Friday March 31 2006, @12:52PM
    • the onion by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday April 01 2006, @11:43AM
  • Boycott by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:47PM
    • Re:Boycott by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @01:05PM
  • Canadian plan of action by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:56PM
  • right on MOZ by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @07:58PM
  • Pack it up, folks by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday March 29 2006, @08:09PM
  • We all pick our battles! Whether it is coffee, NIKE shoes, Starbucks, or Wal-Mart....we decide individually about how we are going to expend our energy and effortfor social get off Moz's back abuot the boycott. That is his battle, not freaking yours, (and in this case, nor mine!) jake
    jake -- Wednesday March 29 2006, @11:04PM (#207414)
    (User #5961 Info)
    feverishly ill for him!
  • .......... off topic, so sorry but important.............

    ive just found an mp3 of
    'honey u know where to find me'. by mozz circa 1995.
    ive never even heard of it before?!!!**?!!!
    its a demo i presume.

    anyone else heard it?
    inlovewiththepast -- Thursday March 30 2006, @01:27AM (#207428)
    (User #1028 Info)
    truth rest your head there is more than a life at stake here..she may well sell sanctuary but she'll also sell your soul
  • Maybe you can say that, when Moz decides on where he plays and lives, he is mainly guided by politics and personal grudges.
    For instance, since he is at war with the UK, and his move to the US, the majority of his shows took place in the US. This was a personal grudge against Mike Joyce and the judge who ruled in favor of the drummer. But then, America goes in search for WMD's, and our Steven moves to Rome. That's politics, and it seems all very logical. Or is he just a very small man? "You don't like me? Sod you then, I'm off!"
    But this Canada stuff, what's that all about? Selling out a tour over there will generate more publicity than some juvenile reaction that is clearly not well tought through. Doesn't he have people to tell him this? But then again, these are probably the same people who send him to Turkey, a country that covers up torture and execution without trial, just to benefit from the EU. If Moz has a political agenda, he should play in those countries ànd make a riot about human and animal rights.
    He is obviously a man of principals, only nobody understands them. Why on earth does he play at shows like, what was it ..., Bingolotto? What's next, Celebrity Big Brother? And now he'll do a mini tour of Scandinavia. Don't they kill seals over there?
    The least you can say is that there are weird things going on in Morrisseys brain, and he is (and always has been) very politically incorrect!
    KrisV -- Thursday March 30 2006, @02:54AM (#207446)
    (User #998 Info)
    • In retort! by ohglen (Score:1) Thursday March 30 2006, @06:05AM
  • How could a person disagree with Morrissey on this one?
    Maybe it is wrong to single out Canada, but it's even more wrong to accept what Canada has done regarding the seals. This event is one of the most barbaric I've heard of in ages.
    Nothing can make it righteous!
    Rodchenko -- Thursday March 30 2006, @07:11AM (#207519)
    (User #15320 Info)
    Are You Loathesome Tonight?
    • Re:Question by chrisarclark (Score:1) Thursday March 30 2006, @07:28AM
      • Re:Question by Rodchenko (Score:1) Thursday March 30 2006, @07:41AM
        • Re:Question by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @07:50AM
          • Re:Question by ohglen (Score:1) Thursday March 30 2006, @08:16AM
            • Re:Question by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @08:34AM
      • Re:Question by ohglen (Score:1) Thursday March 30 2006, @07:48AM
        • Re:Question by chrisarclark (Score:1) Thursday March 30 2006, @08:26AM
          • Re:Question by ohglen (Score:1) Thursday March 30 2006, @10:44AM
  • You don't have to agree in all he's doing to like his music. But he has to start somewhere - sorry for the Canadians, cause I like em'.
    MymanMorrissey -- Thursday March 30 2006, @07:39AM (#207526)
    (User #15076 Info)
  • Morrissey should worry about his own country and suggest boycotting the UK and USA. Clean up your own backyard by getting out of Iraq and killing innocent civilians and clubbing POWs. I'd club a million seals before I hurt an Iraqi. Clubbing seals isn't right I agree, but there is a lot of worse things happening in the world. Let's fix humanity first, then animals.
    realmenplayicehockey -- Thursday March 30 2006, @08:14AM (#207541)
    (User #16094 Info)
  • The Gas Chamber? by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @08:49AM
  • LMAO at all the hype about this boycott by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @09:27AM
  • Glad to hear it by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @09:50AM
  • Thank God... by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @11:56AM
  • Don't they all wear fur on catwalks in Rome? by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @12:39PM
  • separate yourselves from the government already...CANADA means government. that's how we in USA and the UK talk when we put down a government. you think people in the USA get all emotional whenever people talk about how fucked up "USA" is? no...we know it means the government. even if it means society or culture we can take it. we can take outside criticism but you guys can't. you get so defensive over Canada--the nationalism kicks in on hyperdrive.

    the problem is you are all abunch of sensitve nationalists that have no way of knowing how to separate yourselves from teh government. the editorial in your national paper goes to show that. it's the exact same talk we've been getting on these's collective nationalism in that country of yours...

    and you know there is an already exisitng boycott on canada because of the seals. many celebrities are protesting. so obviously that's why morrissey is joining in. he cares about the animals if you knew the it's genuine...but the fact that it's a current cause is why he is picking canada and not all the other're jsut being stupid by saying that but then all of you canadaiand keep on making that stupid point. your national paper said the same thing which i'm sure you all read and now are coming here making the same point you jsut read. well guess what, we heard it already many tiems over. it's flawed logic..with your reasoning people who want to protest or fight for a cause should sit back and do nothing because it's pretty much impossible to fight for every cause out there at the exact same time.

    so a guy exagerates and compares the candaian government to what. go cry. think of all the comparisons the USA get and George Bush....but yet no one in the USA cares except for right-wing nationlists which by far are the minority. the thing about canada is you have left-wing nationalists--which apparently are the majority.

    it doesn;t matrter what country out there has worse animal rights...canada currently is killing hundreds of thousands of seals and it's the current protest.

    if say a local pet shop is killing animals in the back alley...they have killed 20 so far. then activists find your logic canadians...the shop owner would be correct to say "don't protest us, we are only killing 20 animals, what about canada!!! they are killing thousands of seals." you see where your flaw is canada!!! you are killing the seals, thus there is reason to protest. don't point to other countries...that's lame lame lame. and both canadian fans and non-fans alike are doing it on the boards and in the national papers. pathetic.
    Puddle -- Thursday March 30 2006, @01:06PM (#207658)
    (User #15599 Info)
  • Fox hunt in England and Canada Seal hunt by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @01:16PM
  • STOP this BULL by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @02:05PM
  • I am amazed by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @03:55PM
    • Re:I am amazed by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @04:22PM
  • Whattya talkin' 'bout Mozza?? Anytime I been tah a club in Canada, I nevah seen a seal. Hell I don't tink dey even let animals intuh dah clubs!

    I tells yah dis: If dey did, I wouldah had a bettah applause wit out havin' tah light my hankuh-chiff on fiar!
    Frank Sinatra -- Thursday March 30 2006, @04:53PM (#207747)
    (User #2616 Info)
    Ol'Blue Balls
  • Hasn't Morrissey grown out of this sh*t yet?
    Copeland -- Thursday March 30 2006, @05:23PM (#207764)
    (User #1426 Info)
  • Ahem by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @05:29PM
  • Armenian Genocide by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @06:03PM
  • Please understand... by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @06:05PM
  • Hey Morrissey,
    Try to keep in mind that 99.9% of Canadians don't participate in the seal hunt, whereas more than 50% of Americans supported Bush last election.
    tyler -- Thursday March 30 2006, @06:22PM (#207790)
    (User #16103 Info)
  • there is so much "trash" around the world so... by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @07:20PM
  • FANS!
          Sorry Morrissey, I cannot agree with you this time as I do 85% of the others. I am very much against the killing of any mammel, animal or any other creature walking the great land of ours. BUT, the only people who are really going to suffer is the Moz Fans all over Canada! It would have been sooooooooooo more productive if you wrote a song speaking out the true and exposing the F-N dimwits that live in Canada who doing the clubbing! And the ones who are doing all of this would not want a baby seal to club them on the head now would they? Rob
    Paneeks -- Thursday March 30 2006, @09:24PM (#207823)
    (User #13051 Info)
    "A beach is a place where a man can feel, its the only soul in the world thats real".
  • I hope he still sells ROTT here. by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday March 30 2006, @10:46PM
  • canadian boycott by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday March 31 2006, @05:41AM
  • I have a few comments to make having just read through a selection of postings on this topic. I simply cannot believe so many SO-CALLED Morrissey Fans are opposed to his boycott of Canada. I am and have been a fan of Morrissey's since 1986. I was too young to see any Smiths concerts and only saw him play solo in 1999 for the first time. I am located in southern Ireland and will be attending his Killarney gig later this month. HOWEVER should he decide not to come because lets say the Irish Government had decided to sponsor Badgerbaiting for example, I'd back him 100%. Some people seem to think that just because Morrissey can't make a stand against every incident of animal abuse he shouldn't protest about anything!!! It sickens me that this poll has revealed that the majority of Morrissey's fans are such a BUNCH OF HEARTLESS CUNTS that they could find any reason to criticism his opposition to this: da_seal_hunt&Player=wm&speed=_med

    Fuck the 54% of you who didnt agree, especially those who think that a human life is more important than an animals.

    MozzerAnt -- Friday March 31 2006, @07:37AM (#207932)
    (User #13105 Info)
  • Just 'cause I maybe appeared to make an ass of myself by posting a badlink doesn't mean I'm not right and that 54% of you are a BUNCH OF HEARTLESS CUNTS.

    MozzerAnt -- Friday March 31 2006, @07:56AM (#207937)
    (User #13105 Info)
  • ithink they will likely be detrimental to his cause. if all the vegans in the world decide to boycott Canada it will not make any difference whatsoever to anyone but themselves. inflamatory statements like the one Morrissey has made on the issue can only serve as impetus for those he rails against to dig their heels in even more.

    his comments bore no intelligence and offer nothing that would in any way persuade anyone on the other side of the fence to be converted- he has only pushed them farther away. if Morrissey wishes to declare all-out war on all those who kill animals for food, clothing, cosmetics, medicine, etc. then he is engaging in a war he will most certainly lose. if he honestly cared about changing the world and were intelligent enough to see how he could he would attempt to work with those he opposes on such issues to find ways in which each side could reach compromises and then build upon those compromises towards a future that is in some way closer to his ultimate ideal. instead, Morrissey chooses to be a thorn in the side, not to those he opposes, but to his own cause itself.

    Morrissey is juste a selfish fool.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Friday March 31 2006, @08:46AM (#207951)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • do you knowingly and willingly consume or use any product that derives from the killing, torturing or forced confinement of any animal?

    yes or no?

    these products would include any meat or dairy and any clothing (fur, leather, wool, etc.), jewelery or ornament, cosmetics, fuel, medicine or any other product used by humans that is made entirely or in part from animals.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Friday March 31 2006, @10:17AM (#207968)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • Has he made his point? Has he got publicity for the cause?
    For those who argue its no use punishing innocent Canadian fans, well as long as they are sitting back allowing such atrocities to occur they are as much to blame as the seal clubbers themselves are. If the Canadian government were acting against the will of the public, and Canada saw massive waves of protest at such action then Morrissey would be wrong. Alas, he is not
    heatrowguy -- Friday March 31 2006, @10:23AM (#207970)
    (User #14520 Info)
  • FAO "ohglen" and "puddle" by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday March 31 2006, @11:01AM
  • From the interview in "The Sun" that's posted on another thread:

    My English roots are inescapable. For better, for worse. It is like being born Catholic, you carry it forever. There’s not really much I can do about it if I want to. I’m still principally English of course but I can’t stand Tony Blair and I can’t stand his government and so I’m keeping away.

    A small bone for those of you who are crying foul.
    ohglen -- Friday March 31 2006, @12:31PM (#208008)
    (User #12046 Info)
  • I don't live in Canada, but by not playing Canada, Morrissey is really boycotting the fans. Plain and simple.
    stiffkittens -- Friday March 31 2006, @01:06PM (#208024)
    (User #12032 Info)
  • In a book called “Beyond Power”, Marilyn French swept through epochs and described how, pre-historically human beings were collector-gatherers, they ate berries, roots etc for thousands of years, and worshipped women, mainly it seemed because of their mysterious power to bleed and not die, and to give birth. When it finally dawned on men that they might have something to do with this, it went to their heads literally to the extent that they abstracted thought from life in literacy and set out to have dominion over beasts and their fellowmen at every opportunity. Blood envy preceded so-called penis envy!

      In the last 100 years, some progress has been made in the lifting of societal oppression of women. Likewise with people of colour, and more recently those with disabilities. A truly global justice requires not simply looking across the world for other fellow species members who are entitled to a decent life. It requires, claims M. Nussbaum, looking also both in one’s own nation and around the world, at the other sentient beings with whose lives our own are inextricably and complexly intertwined, beginning from an ethically attuned wonder before each form of animal life. Animals should have reasonable opportunities for flourishing, and support to attain core capabilities that form part of their species norm. It is an issue of justice when humans act in such a way as to deny animals a dignified existence. This perspective does not ignore the reality that nature is truly ‘red in tooth n’ claw’, and that killing is the order of the day. After all, ‘nature will still find a way’. It means that humans, who are animals but exert more control over other animals, need to accept responsibility for stewardship and sharing the environment proportionately with other forms of especially sentient life. Law and political principles are made and framed by humans, and constrain life for better or worse. “If there is anyone who thinks it is base to study animals, he should have the same thought about himself”, said Aristotle.

    Morrissey said in the recently translated interview with T. Venker, xpressmag, about vegetarianism: “It's basically a moral issue. I think it's basically a matter of basic intelligence and a lot of people, their brains are not fully formed and their brains don't work properly and they can't make the right connections to understanding develop suffering - so I think it's a matter of intelligence and enlightenment.”

    A Story: Early one morning a man was walking along a beach, watching the ocean waves breaking on the shore, and he saw a most unusual thing. He saw that the beach was littered with thousands of starfish that had been washed up on shore and were dying in the sun. Far down the beach in the distance, he could see a young woman picking up starfish and throwing them back in the ocean, one at a time. When he was close enough to her to be heard above the waves the man said, “You’re wasting your time. There are thousands of starfish here. You can’t possibly make any difference.” The young woman reached down, picked up a starfish and threw it as far as she could, back into the sea. “I made a difference to that one”, she said, and she reached down to pick up another one.

    Is ar scath na cheile a mhaireann na daoine. This old Irish saying means that in eachother’s shadows is where people live. Not just people though; life inter-is. If you don’t like being hurt, or don’t want to be killed, you know enough to get it.
    goinghome -- Friday March 31 2006, @02:09PM (#208053)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • Was Morrissey ever coming to Canada? don'tthink so by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday March 31 2006, @03:27PM
  • Save the animals now. ill []
    RequiemDogma -- Friday March 31 2006, @10:24PM (#208111)
    (User #16085 Info)
  • he had a big enough problem with the war in iraq for long enough but still lived there, the italians are no saints with the wearing of fur but he still lives there now, where do you draw the line?, battery farming here in the uk, let's cancel the tour now shall we, it seems that the latest issue is the cull of the seals and you get to wonder what the next thing will be

    davegore -- Saturday April 01 2006, @05:28AM (#208135)
    (User #16114 Info)
  • How about boycotting France for foie gras? by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday April 01 2006, @12:29PM
  • I'm Canadian........ and pissed. by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday April 01 2006, @02:52PM
  • In the recent Swedish interview when Morrissey was asked, "what's your greatest weakness?", he answered:
    "I care too much. Something that might not have been medically defined yet but nevertheless it's my absolute greatest weakness. I feel and care a great deal.

    - About what?
    About everything and everybody. But I'm not neurotic.
    goinghome -- Saturday April 01 2006, @03:59PM (#208254)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • funny by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday April 01 2006, @08:55PM
  • Blame Canada... screw you Morrissey! by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday April 01 2006, @09:29PM
  • A lion woke up one morning with the urge to inflict his superiority on his fellow beasts. So he strode over to a monkey and roared: “Who is the mightiest animal in the jungle?”
    “You are Master”, said the monkey, quivering.

    Then the lion came across a wart-hog.
    “Who is the mightiest animal in the jungle?” roared the lion.
    “You are”, said the wart-hog, shaking with fear.

    Next the lion met an elephant.
    “Who is the mightiest animal in the jungle?” roared the lion.
    The elephant grabbed the lion with his trunk, slammed him against a tree half a dozen times, dropped him like a stone and ambled off.

    “All right”, shouted the lion, “there’s no need to turn nasty just because you don’t know the answer”.
    goinghome -- Sunday April 02 2006, @03:32AM (#208315)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • Norway by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday April 02 2006, @06:12AM
    • Re: or Canada by ohglen (Score:1) Sunday April 02 2006, @07:53AM
    • Re:Norway by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday April 02 2006, @02:56PM
  • Mprrissey, Please, by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday April 02 2006, @03:03PM
  • what i think... by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday April 02 2006, @03:37PM
  • They're not a real country anyway!
    David Rich -- Sunday April 02 2006, @08:01PM (#208480)
    (User #14929 Info |
  • Who cares... by Anonymous (Score:0) Sunday April 02 2006, @08:51PM
  • i find it funny how there are so many 'disagreeing' anonymous posts (meaning many are trolls) and new user disagree-ers who don't seem to know much about morrissey (more trolls).

    the older-registered canadian fans may disagree but are not as brutal as the newly registered and anonymous posts which dominate the disagree-ers.

    it is my belief that at least half the disagree-ers are not fans of morrissey, and just came here after hearing the story elsewhere. Apparently it's still getting a lot of press in innocent canada.

    and to those fans who say they agree with moz being against seal clubbing but are mad that he chose not to play in Canada as way to protest (which there are plenty of you), here's the way i see it...

    lets face it, morrissey was almost certainly only going to play in toronto. and toronto is 99 miles from buffalo NY. not to mention you have detroit and who knows, he may do a show in other border towns just to get closer to canadian fans (like seattle) here's what i'm saying. if you are pissed off because he is not coming (the he's-hurting-his-fans argument) but you are also against the seal cull and support morrissey being against it, then couldn't you make the sacrifice, along with morrissey, of having no morrissey show in canada. i know there have been some canadian fans who have said the same thing, but there should be more if you are agaisnt your government for allowing the seal sull.

    there have been a decent number of canadian fans who support morrissey but many of you are simply pissed because you see him picking on fans. well it may not be the way you've done it (and that's easy to say but there are many ways he 'could' have done it. he chose this one.) but lets face it, he is going along with the boycott because he feels strongly about animal rights. he released the statement not for publicity for his album, but because the seal cull started the day before. if you are against the seal cull then you should not be complaining. it's that simple.

    and to all the trolls, many of you are easy to spot. keep it coming. it's not going to change anything.
    Puddle -- Sunday April 02 2006, @11:11PM (#208491)
    (User #15599 Info)
  • Controversy oooh! by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @04:04AM
  • We're Not The Ones... by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @07:14AM
  • I agree with Morrissey by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @08:11AM
  • Canadians by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @08:11AM
    • Re:Canadians by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @10:26PM
      • Re:Canadians by goinghome (Score:1) Tuesday April 04 2006, @11:35AM
        • Re:Canadians by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 04 2006, @11:31PM
  • What do the Dears say ? by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @08:15AM
  • FYI: Pam Anderson speaks up by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @08:49AM
  • A Vexing Situation by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @10:35AM
  • Morrissey's decision to boycott the entire nation of Canada did indeed hurt me at first, but the more I thought about it and the more I scrutinized his wording I realized that his decision matters very little to me at present because quite honestly he's no longer the man he once was, in my now less-than-innocent eyes.

    This new, tourette(esque) Morrissey is pathetically obvious about his ulterior motives. Sad thing though, he doesn't seem to realize just how obvious he's being which speaks volumes as to how intelligent he views his fans to be.

    As stated by many already, Morrissey's decision to boycott Canada was more to promote his new album at the expense of a small market than anything else. I mean really, if it hadn't been and he was doing this for proper reasons he'd be boycotting nations like Turkey (which hasn't any animal rights laws what-so-ever) or Spain for their treatment of bulls, his beloved Italy for shamelessly promoting fur as fashionable or any one of the numerous nations he'll undoubtedly tour with far worse animal rights records than Canada like, say... Britain or America! He would do, if he was indeed a true crusader rather than a man who'll intentionally say the stupidest things in order to get his name circulating prior to his album's release.

    Truly, once again Morrissey really fucked up but sadly, he's been really fucking up quite often as of late. Indeed, saying some rather stupid things just to guarantee print is terribly sad and rather telling at the same time.

    So go ahead Moz, boycott Canada all you want because at the end of the day you're the one who's so very "self-serving"..

    Poor bastard.

    Sullen -- Monday April 03 2006, @12:12PM (#208655)
    (User #11477 Info)
  • grand prix by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @12:57PM
  • Mostly from

    “The word animal is derived from the Latin anima = soul but despite this Christianity has traditionally taught that animals have more in common with stones than with human beings (interestingly, in medieval Europe animals were often seen to be satellites of Satan - the devil had horns, cloven feet and a pointy tail)…

    …in a public audience on January 19th 1990 Pope John Paul 11 said "also the animals possess a soul and men must love and feel solidarity with smaller brethren" He pointed out that in Genesis "the way in which man was created suggests a relationship with the spirit or the breath of God. And one reads that after having created man from the dust of the earth, the Lord God 'breathed life into his nostrils and man became a living soul.'" He went on to say that animals have the breath of life and were given it by God. So, in this respect, man, created by the hand of God, is identical with all other living creatures. Although the pope's statement was reported in the Italian press it was not reported in the UK and was ignored by British Catholic publications…

    …Of course Pope John Paul 11 is not the only Christian who has detected that animals have souls. Martin Luther certainly believed animals went to heaven "Be thou comforted, little dog," he said. "Thou too in Resurrection shall have a little golden tail." (Note that Martin thought animals had 'immortal' souls - so did my aunt.) St. Paul said that animals would be redeemed. Additionally, Pope Pius Xll said that 'any unnecessary harshness towards animals and any reckless desire to harm them must be condemned'…

    …Essentially the Qu'ran considers the creations of God as perfect [32:7] and, for example, forbids slitting the ears of animals as defacing their fair nature created by God [4:119]. However, this does not apply to monkeys in the Qu'ran: "Let me tell you who are worse in the sight of GOD: those who are condemned by GOD after incurring His wrath until He made them (as despicable as) monkeys and pigs, and the idol worshipers. These are far worse, and farther from the right path."[5:60]…

    …Much more recently John Austin Baker, the former Bishop of Salisbury, and a champion of animal rights commented - "Thomas Aquinas and the scholastic tradition said very clearly that animals have not got souls and this has been used in the past to justify any exploitation of animals on the grounds that they are just things. Others have said that animals' consciousness was so limited that they needed to be appendages of good human beings to be capable of enjoying the life in heaven. But that puts paid to 99.9% of all living creatures. You surely don't have to have high rational intelligence like human beings in order to have the possibility of a relationship to transcendent or eternal life." (So he thinks that animals probably do have souls.)”…

    (Another question of my own: do many human beings actually demonstrate high rational intelligence? I was told yesterday by someone – Andrew Cohen – who meets world leaders, that most commonly they admit to a lostness about what to do. Everything’s become too complicated, and they’re flying by the seat of their pants, pr & make-up. It’s like Yeats said in his poem “Second Coming:
    “The best lack all convictions, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.”

    Animals might have it sussed after all – just be your natural self, when let.)

    “Time is short
    Don't be cruel“

    goinghome -- Monday April 03 2006, @01:44PM (#208702)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • I seriously doubt that Morrissey fans are the ones endorsing, let alone causing, this horrible practice to occur. I completely respect and admire Moz for his strong personal ethics, but he should not snub his fans in Canada for what their government may do or support. His ire is rather misdirected in this boycott
    day-before-his-14th -- Monday April 03 2006, @08:59PM (#208792)
    (User #16151 Info)
  • Screw CANADA!! by Anonymous (Score:0) Monday April 03 2006, @10:13PM
  • agree 100% by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 04 2006, @09:56AM
  • Morrissey once asked us to "Sing Your Life", so why doesn't he follow his own advise and "sing" in Canada to get his point across? He could change the concert back drop to a 100 foot protest banner ( which Newspaper photographers could capture and place with the review in the morning paper) and do all kinds of Canadian interviews and actually really be HEARD! Instead, as per usual, he has taken a cowardly stance, and is wrongfully PUNISHING the only people in Canada that actually like him, begging the question, is he a Man or Mouse? I love Morrissey, and have been a fan for 20 years, but sometimes I just wish he would stop talking, and just sing for god sakes.

    I am pretty certain that his near bankrupt record company, Sanctuary didn't appreciate him tanking his Canadian album sales 7 days before the album's release! If I were them, I would dump his ass for that! He potentially has cost them millions in lost revenue. I for one will not buy the album. I will wait until I find it in a used store, therefore the money I dole out will go 100% to that store, rather than to Santuary! This is my own little protest, to get record companies to hold their artists accountable for their actions, just as I am at my job!

    Morrissey, YOU HAVE LOST A FAN !!!
    Sir Steve -- Tuesday April 04 2006, @12:10PM (#208977)
    (User #15068 Info)
  • Hey, he used to boycott sex, by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday April 04 2006, @06:45PM
  • why would you take the opportunity away from a citizen from canada who has NO control what thier government does!
    Are we still real morrissey fans. Does that exisist anymore?
    OH, and then the Wiltern shows should have been cancelled last tour because every night the bacon dog ladies and Gents were out side the venue fryin the dogs up for the post show goers.
    optimisticairbag -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @01:25PM (#209289)
    (User #10900 Info)
  • Pardon the profanities, but why the fuck, do all these animals need to be killed??? Seals, what damage are they doin? We as humans are land creatures, so what happens in the sea aint our business, why can't we let these fish and mammals live their lives? It seems they were shit loads slaughtered which is vile, i will have no sympathies if those who allow this to happen experience a backlash. If we don't stand up for animals who will? Fair play 2 Mozza, a complete Legend
    Handsome Charmer -- Wednesday April 05 2006, @02:06PM (#209301)
    (User #15270 Info)
  • Here's somebody who can ARTICULATE! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday April 06 2006, @10:43AM
  • Here's somebody who can ARTICULATE! by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday April 06 2006, @10:45AM
  • ITunes by Anonymous (Score:0) Thursday April 06 2006, @05:59PM
  • I love the folks on this site who are championing Morrissey's boycott in Canada and speak from a "you obviously don't know Morrissey" postion. None of you know Morrissey so just stop it and grow up! It's also very amusing to find such an onslaught of bitter people giving into some of the ugliest aspects of human nature (i'm referring to both those that agree and disagree with the boycott). The Canadians feel cheated and rightfully so; the rest of the lot want to feel like they're supporting Morrissey by slamming Canada and it's people whether they're fans of Morrissey or not. Then there are those that are sympathetic to Canadian fans yet agree with Morrissey's boycott, yet those people are few and far between. From this, it's plain to see that rational people are on the brink of extinction. So many of you are so utterly human in the most shameful way possible. The truth is always twisted whether it's prolcaimed by the Canadian government or stated by Morrissey.

    Morrissey had no plans to come to Canada in the first place and the seal hunt is for population control yet they aren't killing the adult seals because the pup's fur is a more desireable colour and texture. I think both Moz and the Canadian government are equally artful in deceiving the public and managing their credos.
    Barnaby Bear -- Thursday April 06 2006, @07:08PM (#209543)
    (User #11715 Info)
  • Inuit on an ice floe I know I know it's dangerous. by Anonymous (Score:0) Friday April 07 2006, @11:40AM

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