No BBC / Derry concert footage
Posted on Mon, Nov 29 1999 at 10:06 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
Regarding the previously mentioned concert footage that was supposed to air... From Paul:

Just want to say that I was the guy who filmed the feature on MORRISSEY IN DERRY. Don't get too excited though, there's no footage of the concert and no interview. Though believe me I tried my best. Unfortunately Morrissey's tour manager turned out to be a bit sensitive as to my being there. Could be something to do with the fact he didn't want this poor turn out caught on camera.

Just to say though, I was more than offended to see "Meat Is Murder" done basically as a thrash metal number, with those three Rockabilly jokes literally licking their guitars and prancing about the stage as if they owned the bloody song.

Apart from that though I've never seen Moz looking so good (very slim), singing so beautifully (about a octave up on recent years) and having so much chat with the crowd (In Derry he commented "If anyone's here to see the Eamon Morrissey gig - that's tomorrow night. I'll hear it'll be quite a show").

Like a prodigal son I have returned. The man is a God. Sorry, the man IS God.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

I happen to quite like the "trashmetal" version of "Meat Is Murder". The song finally got the kind of intense arrangement the words needed so badly.

Henrik Rydéhn <[email protected]>
- Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 10:31:17 (PST) | #1

Paul, if you read this, and there's any way I can get hold of a copy of the footage you shot, please, please, please get in touch. I'd really like to have some momento of the night (apart from HIS water bottle....thanks bouncer bloke, a t-shirt, and a condom) and see how the interviews turned out. (My real favourite lyrics are "You say I'll never make it, I never said I wanted to, well did I?" but camera's make me nervous!)
Sadly I don't have BBC digital (nor does anyone I know) and I couldn't get it copied.
Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated, and maybe my brother'd finally forgive me for setting the video incorrectly and missing out on the Moz concert shown on RTE a few years ago!
Thanks, John
Oh, and I loved the glasses, very much like the ones Moz was wearing in the Times.

the artist formerly known as.... <[email protected]>
Belfast - Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 12:31:02 (PST) | #2

On the Meat Is Murder tour they played the track very aggressively then
(I have a guest pass from way back then, would anyone like to buy it?)
I'm an old smiths slag.

Damian Morgan <[email protected]>
Manchester and Stockport - Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 12:34:40 (PST) | #3

Paul, get a life!

Porn star
- Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 13:06:22 (PST) | #4

Tell your brother not to worry. The "Moz concert shown on RTE a few years ago" was actually just an edited version of Introducing Morrissey - with the alternative 'Sing On A Star' finale.

R <[email protected]>
- Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 14:38:25 (PST) | #5

"Do you know how the animals die"

- Johnny Marr

Los Angeles, California - Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 15:06:38 (PST) | #6

Someone should honestly post all the comments morrissey makes during his concerts. I especially like the one when morrissey ask the coachella crowd if there having a great time, and everyone started yelling with glee, but the ever so clever morrissey fired back with well i'm sorry. (Something to that nature).

So morrissey concert comments should be a feature on Morrissey-solo or the numerous other morrissey sites.

Just my opionion.

Moz cowboy

Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
Long Beach - Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 17:12:37 (PST) | #7

Wow, thats the dumbest comment I've ever heard from a supposed fan about the meat is murder thing. thats all thats worth saying to this crap

Dj Rockadoo <[email protected]>
San Francisco CA - Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 18:47:50 (PST) | #8

Those three "rockabilly jokes" happen to be very well respected people in the rockabilly scene. I'm very pleased and happy that they are touring with Moz. It's a mix of all the music I hold near and dear to my heart. And they could probably kick your ninny ass...

Leigh <[email protected]>
Pittsburgh - Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 19:15:25 (PST) | #9

Morrissey is God?

spade <[email protected]>
vancouver - Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 20:21:40 (PST) | #10


Churchillian Legs <[email protected]>
- Mon, Nov 29, 1999 at 22:45:45 (PST) | #11

Well gee, it's about time someone complained.

I also have an issue with the Boston Pops Orchestra performing Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever". Sousa and his original band have been dead for several decades and everyone knows that violins are not in marching bands.

these hands may be tiny, but they are my own - Tue, Nov 30, 1999 at 23:01:33 (PST) | #12

Suzanne....excellent observation....haha.

Javier Obregon <HeDrewAMozzerOnMyNeck>
Montclair, CA - Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 02:52:48 (PST) | #13


The temptation to romanticise the Smiths and their abilities as live musicians should be resisted. I saw the Smiths play (way back, when I were a wee lad), and although it was of course a transcendent experience and an epiphany and all that, the songs were not perfectly rendered. I'm a "Smiths are better than Morrissey solo" man deep down, but I've got to say that as live performers, this band is very good live, and more consistently polished then the Smiths were.

David T (a different one)
- Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 02:54:13 (PST) | #14

"David T (a different one)", you're full of @#!!!! I saw The Smiths play twice and I have dozens of bootlegs, and they are BY FAR the best live band I have ever seen. This isn't "romanticizing" or whatever bull@#!!! you're projecting. I doubt you even heard of The Smiths two years ago, let alone seen them live. Johnny Marr, by himself, sounds way better than Alain and Boz put together, and when they were with Craig Gannon, the Smiths live were unstoppable!

Shanti <[email protected]>
- Sat, Dec 04, 1999 at 08:20:01 (PST) | #15

* return to Morrissey-solo