"Who Says Morrissey Fans Don't Get Laid?" by Annalee Newitz - The Stranger
Posted on Fri, Nov 12 1999 at 1:17 a.m. PST
by David T. <[email protected]>
From Insatiable One:

Once again, the Seattle music rag The Stranger has produced a very small and "insignificant" blurb on Morrissey... or in this case, the ongoing debate on if Smith fans really do have sex. As you may remember, the Stranger did a write-up on the "Diary of a Teenage Smiths-Worshipper" in a prior issue...

Here is the URL. It's not too long... but I'd thought you'd might like it.

"Who Says Morrissey Fans Don't Get Laid?" by Annalee Newitz

* related item: "Study proves Smiths fans not getting any" - Dec. 29, 1998

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes

Everyone has to agree with me:

The number one Morrissey/Smiths song to get freaky with someone is "Well I Wonder". That song kicks arse in bed.

Moz cowboy <[email protected]>
Long Beach - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 02:01:48 (PST) | #1

I lost my virginity to Vaxhall and I. And... sex to Morrissey's B-Sides... well, "That's Entertainment!" :)

Monster Spawned in December <[email protected]>
- Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 02:39:30 (PST) | #2

What the f**k is a "f**kbuddy"? Is love not a prerequisite to sex anymore?

- Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 07:31:50 (PST) | #3

Annalee Newitz can kiss my ass! What the hell?! "Fuc*buddy"?! What a pointless existance!

Mute001 <[email protected] >
Sunnyvale, CA USA - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 08:29:28 (PST) | #4

I thought it was quite amusing. "The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about" -Oscar Wilde.

- Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 10:42:02 (PST) | #5

Annalee: "@#!!!ing Buddy?"...You don't sound smart enough to be a Morrissey fan...are you sure you didn't mean "madonna"?

Roxana <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 13:13:26 (PST) | #6

I lost my virginity to the Smiths:) I don't think Well I wonder is the best song to get passionate to. It is, however, beautiful and a great song to long for the one you are passionate with.

Charming girl afraid
NJ - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 13:20:50 (PST) | #7

Yes, a @#!!!buddy? I feel terrible after reading this, don't post this filth in the future.

Scott <[email protected]>
Oregon - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 13:35:26 (PST) | #8

those diary entries were pretty interesting...but im not sure i agree with the whole 'smiths fans dont get any' thing...on one hand fans idolize and are persuaded by moz and mimick what he does but then others have a mind of their own or are not persuaded at all and shag anyway...the story is old i know but it goes on

marz <[email protected]>
- Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 13:38:06 (PST) | #9

Please... No sex, meat,smoking or alcohol. Welcome to my life...

Bjørn Ove <[email protected]>
- Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 14:07:51 (PST) | #10

Please no more..."I lost my virginity to..."

Roxana <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 15:13:41 (PST) | #11

I don't understand the story. Are we to understand that Morrissey is some kind of magician and he's able to woo women and make people of all walks of life become crazy in love with him? I am a genie and I don't think these powers exist with Morrissey. And everyone knows that "Some Girls are Bigger than Others" should be the strip club anthem of the century. That story by Annalee didn't make sense, so why should I?

Abdul Whickshell
- Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 15:31:48 (PST) | #12

WOW El Paso, Texas (my town) is actually mentioned! WOW well Ann whatever she really sucks ass! Come on people I don't want to hear about someone losing their virginity! Well personally I feel like if I wanna get it on I would like to listen to Ministry During and Afterwards listen to some Morrissey, The Smiths and Geri! But I never had SEX but I don't plan to either til a very very long time for now( may 10 years)! But M'kay!

Peace, Love, GERI Power and Morrissey Power!


Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 16:04:34 (PST) | #13

that was really pointless. thanks annalee.

east west
- Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 17:39:08 (PST) | #14

Pathetic diary entry, or whatever it is. We all know that we (as in Morrissey lovers) are to fragile and sensitive to have sex with someone we don't love, and since love only leaves you lonely, miserable and disappointed in the end, then what's the point? Well, I guess I am the end of the line. The family line that is, dear friends...

Lonely San Francisco
West Coast - Fri, Nov 12, 1999 at 21:42:42 (PST) | #15

Is it really so strange? I found the article touching. There seemed to be real affection behind the smart ass exterior.

Andy (Rourke's bass guitar)

Andy <[email protected]>
- Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 00:48:58 (PST) | #16

man, those people are idiots that say that morrissey fans don't get laid. i get laid more times than those people who wrote it. by the way morrissey rules!!!!

Bigmouth <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 10:12:48 (PST) | #17

I was as repulsed by the mention of a "____ buddy" as I was by the descript of his skinny little body - how repulsive. And for the record, I have been a Smiths and Morrissey fan since 1981 and
1.) I know the difference between the two and
2.) When I blossomed into a woman, I had no problem with the whole "having sex" thing, so, Anna all of us avid fans do not sit home in an ill-starred slump feeling miserable about ourselves and the world.

Zoey <[email protected]>
Eureka, California - Sat, Nov 13, 1999 at 12:03:59 (PST) | #18

I grew up listening to The Smiths/Morrissey and his music had a huge impact on my life...I lost my virginity at 18 to someone I was in a relationship with and I cared about. She says that Morrissey fans are "insecure" thats why they dont sleep around...thats funny because I think that a sign of being "insecure" IS sleeping around with people you don't care about.I am very secure with myself as I'm sure most Morrissey fans are. So ANNALEE, I think you need to analize your own obvious issues before you spend any more time writing your little articles. Why don't you try focusing on Brittney Spears fans... =)

Interlude <[email protected]>
Long Beach, California - Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 02:34:32 (PST) | #19

I lost my virginity to a die-hard Smiths/Morrissey-fan girl, while we were listening to The Smiths in the left speaker, Morrissey in the right, and Electronic in the background, had vegetarian food and read from "Girlfriend in a coma". Anyone better, please sign up for immortality...

Bjørn Ove <[email protected]>
Norway - Sun, Nov 14, 1999 at 07:28:13 (PST) | #20

Amusing story! Definitely! The description of that bloke reminded me of an existing Smiths-/Moz-Fan! That was moving, believe me!

Ah, and: YEEES! More stories like "I lost my virginity while listening to..." stories!
I had to listen to a snoaring bloke in the same room, that was NOT funny!

celestial daffodil
- Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 11:20:54 (PST) | #21

Well, I had * twelve times last weekend, all of course with the one I love. Is it that bad? I reserve the right to be miserable

Anon, to protect my monk-like reputation
England - Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 13:19:16 (PST) | #22

Hello everyone out there. Yes, Moz fans can defenately get some. MORRISSEY ROCKS!!

Lupe Gonzalez <[email protected]>
- Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 13:38:38 (PST) | #23

Anon.. it is but pure with the one you love. does not bother me to say this isn't love because if you don't want to talk about it then it isn't love.

Rome - Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 15:53:57 (PST) | #24

What a slut! It's obvisous you both have low self-esteem and have issues to work out. I can't believe anyone would even write like that. I know of no woman or lady with a little self respect who would talklike that in private. I am so dismaed at this article. Who cares that you lost you virginity to some skinny kid with soft lips. We are all more stupid for have bothering reading that trash you call an article. You have showed us nothing that a $5.99 porno could.

- Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 19:17:49 (PST) | #25

Spoken like a true slut! I agree with you Interlude24, she has some major issues she has to deal with. I know of NO Morrissey fans who think so low of themselves to sleep around! And what is up with that Brittney Spears chick?? She is another true slut, I SOOOO agree with you! See you @ The Palladium!!

Death to Annalee Newitz <Death To Annalee [email protected]>
Southern California Home Of Moz - Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 01:31:03 (PST) | #26

Yo, Anabell whatever your name is, are you
available anytime soon? I want a new F*&$buddy!!!
I just loaded my CD player and I'm a ready for
ya, BABY!!!!!!!!

Ordinary Boy
NYC - Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 07:50:52 (PST) | #27

It does not bother me to say this isn't love because if you don't want to talk about it then it isn't love.

Rome - Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 09:40:15 (PST) | #28

Britney Spears SUCKS ASS! I really don't like her! I'm not jealous of her, I just think she is a really bad rolemodel for young girls. I think she actually pretty disgusting.


Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 18:33:29 (PST) | #29

Interesting that you would post that message here, you weird-o!

Your site is a scam! How in the world can you be for real? And if you are, I feel really sorry you - get some self confidence! FREAK!

Brittney Spears
Sometimes I run, sometimes I hide... - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 08:35:23 (PST) | #30

LOL! Hehehe I know thats not the real BRITNEY SPEARS! Its spelled BRITNEY! Ok Im not a Scam! Actually I have plenty of Self -Confidence at least I don't get implants to raise my self-esteem! Actually Britney aka @#!!!ney Queers you are the one with a self-confidence problem!


oh yeah you and your music suck ass!
Anna! aka High Self_esteem SPICE! aka Pissed off Spice aka Anti-Britney Spice!

Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 15:36:55 (PST) | #31

Oh yeah I'm not done with you Btitney imposter! Look chick, man , person or whatever I'm as real as anyone in this frikin' world! I work my ass off to get that website going! Don't feel sorry for me at all, sympathy is meaningless crap to me! I feel sorry for you actually impersonating someone who is just a total moron and a SLUT! Get some balls whoever you are! Alright! Peace out!



Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 17:33:45 (PST) | #32

Post #16, I must say I somewhat agree with you; though I also... I dunno, I think this short article is in some way pathetic but in some way fascinating - I can't really decide. As for the rest, I find the term "f***buddy" seems to be quite descriptive for the age we're living in. I mean, I'm not for one-night-stands and not for music during, err, certain activities (cuz I think, what if I listen to one of the songs sometime later and can't stand it for some more-or-less subconscious feeling or an upcoming thought?), I just think it's an interesting term.

One more comment tho', about this whole thing and while-we're-at-the-subject: I suggest everyone to watch the movie "Singles" (with this Kyra Something and Bridget Fonda and Matt Dillon), and the way you think about it may tell you a lot about your love life. At least I found it was like that with me. I thought those way awkward initial scenes of Kyra -- Sedgwick! That's the name! - and this other guy were terrible - and later came to think that that that's just the type of conversation I'm afraid of cuz I've ended up like that too often with guys I liked in some way... and I loathe that feeling of wanting to say something but not knowing what and if I say the wrong thing then this opportunity might be smashed but I have a hunch it might be smashed already and that's exactly been the case too often... -- Just as an example.

HollyG <[email protected]>
near Oct 13's concert this year - Fri, Nov 19, 1999 at 14:08:37 (PST) | #33

Hey Anna - LOOK!

At 17, Britney Spears enjoys being a girl. She loves colors that pop and shopping till you drop, romance novels and idyllic days at the beach. Untamed and untarnished as they come, the bright beautiful teen from Kentwood, Louisiana (pop:1200), is poised to liven up the pop world with the irresistible collection of songs on her Jive Records self-titled debut release.

Britney Spears
- Tue, Nov 23, 1999 at 11:35:58 (PST) | #34

You need to get a life you little sh&!. Britney Spears is no one to look up to, she is nothing but a little tramp that has to make herself feel better by investing money on her boob job. You should find a more positive role model because I guarantee you that Little Miss Spears won't be around in 2 years.

Interlude <[email protected]>
Long Beach, California - Tue, Nov 23, 1999 at 23:50:36 (PST) | #35

Hey Britney aka Implants,

You suck! Go get your self some confidence, Oh yeah get a shirt that actually fits you not a five year old! Alright you give us American Girls bad names! You might be a record company's dream but wait until the next two or three years, you will have no career nor all the fans. And after that you will probally end up being in Playboy or Penthouse or possibly being a Vegas show act and telling people how you used to be. Or another possibility you might end up getting married to one one of the group members of NSUCK and have a billion kids and livin' in your old HICK TOWN! M'kay Thanks! Save yourself while you can Britney your 15 min. is almost up!

Thank You!


Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 08:39:25 (PST) | #36

Your twisted! The Spice Girls suck! Girl power sucks! Good luck in middleschool this year I'm sure you wear more FUBU gear than anyone on this sight. Some day you will look back at your pre-teen years and laugh at how Coo-Coo you were. Thanks for your order, please drive through.

Blackeyed Susan
Bucktoothedville - Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 09:55:02 (PST) | #37

Anna Darling, you are beyond annoying with your little girl views on everything. Go post your "Girl Power" propaganda on another site that is more suitable to your personality. I suggest maybe the Backstreet Boys or N-Synch? I understand that these are not chick bands but I figure if the patrons on those sites are as dumb and gullable as you are you might be able to pick up a few converts to your juvenile way of thinking. I'm sure you will have some childish response to this. Good luck with everything.

Dan G
New Orleans - Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 11:27:50 (PST) | #38

Susan and Danny G.,

LOL! First off I don't wear FUBU! God bless for the millonth TIME! I DON'T listen to BOY BANDS their music is a bunch of crap! Well first off I act childish cos no sh*t I am a child for heaven sakes geez! Well maybe you two should act your age! Blah blah blah GIRL POWER! blah blah SPICE GIRLS RULE when Geri was in the group! yakka yakka yakka! Geez when will you realize that there is people in the world that think differently in the world? Probally in your case never! Nothing can bring me down espeacially people on the Net! Come on get real I'll probally never will meet either of you and I sure wouldn't want to! WOW! Amazing I can't believe how stupid and absolutely immature you two are, look why can't you look beyond the music I listen to and get to know me( the little girl...opps annoying little girl)! Well there is my little slice of LIFE!


Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 21:21:07 (PST) | #39

Sorry for coming on a little harsh! You
have a good point. I visited your website
and I think you did a good job with it. Don't
worry about hating school, most normal people do.
Things will turn around, trust me. : ) The guys will grow up to!!!!

Dan the Man
New Orleans - Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 17:51:10 (PST) | #40

Look before you leap ,Danny.

See I'm not all that bab like you probally think I am just cos I listen to the Spice Girls or Geri! Geez please be a little more open minded about things! See people that judge people for who they are ( outside) start a conflict and thats why some countries have wars! So please please don't judge a book by its Cover!

Look I'm not your average Morrissey/The Smiths and Spice Fan! Alright. Good-night and Thank You!

Anna Serrano aka Ginger <[email protected]>
El Paso, Texas aka El Hell Hole - Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 22:06:26 (PST) | #41

* return to Morrissey-solo