Y107 DJ wants his wine money back
Posted on Tue, Aug 24 1999 at 9:08 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
Thanks to a.m. for the following: I was listening to Y107 in Los Angeles and one of the DJs was talking about how he saw Morrissey in a restaurant in LA. He and some of his friends decided to send Mozzer a bottle of wine so they asked the waiter what their most expensive bottle of wine was and they sent it to him. They told the waiter, 'tell him it's from fans and friends.' Morrissey apparently did not respond to anything, didn't say a thing. The DJ (don't know his name) started talking about how rude Morrissey was and kept saying he wanted Morrissey to pay him for his wine on the radio. I think Morrissey just doesn't like wine.

* item archived - comments / notes can no longer be added.

Comments / Notes


Brasil - Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 09:45:16 (PDT) | #1

It sounds like this the DJ was trying to impress his friends by disturbing Moz while he was enjoying his dinner. I don't blame Moz at all for ignoring the guy. There is probably a 95% chance that this DJ was being obnoxious. Think about most of the DJs you hear on the radio...they're fools.

Roy Around the Fountain
by the statue (30 yards north of the fountain) - Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 14:39:37 (PDT) | #2

And Morrissey wonders why people hate him.

interesting droog
- Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 15:42:44 (PDT) | #3

Well, Moz is known for liking a bit of wine now and then, but I think I have to agree with Roy that it was probably sent by an annoying DJ

Rowdy Yeats <[email protected]>
- Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 16:08:59 (PDT) | #4

"bought on stolen wine..."

Raul Agrait <[email protected]>
- Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 20:46:59 (PDT) | #5

I'll always love Mozzer's music, but he can tend to be a bit of an ingrate. How is sending over a bottle of wine "being obnoxious"? Give me a break!

you didn't even thank me because you never do
- Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 21:46:22 (PDT) | #6

oh I forgot to mention something that cracked me up so hard. my rad friend sent Moz a bill this summer. she wants all the money back she ever spent on him. she made it like an authentic bill. I almost died laughing because I know how unfunny it must've seemed to mobo.

crept up behind ya
- Tue, Aug 24, 1999 at 21:50:56 (PDT) | #7

Let's not call Moz an ingrate and let's not call the DJ obnoxious. You weren't there so you don't know.

Neutral Grounds
Long Beach, California - Wed, Aug 25, 1999 at 00:42:22 (PDT) | #8

Re: You Didn't Even Thank Me...
Maybe the actual act of a waiter carrying a bottle of wine to Morrissey was not obnoxious. But, just maybe the DJ was acting like an a**hole
so Moz ignored him.

Or maybe, Moz just waved a thank you and the DJ thought he should have come over personally SAID thank you. And when Moz didn't, the DJ was embarrassed in front of his friends for being treated like the non-celebrity that he is. So he decided to embellish the story a bit, and make it a nice little anecdote for his radio show.

Of course, I am totally speculating on what might of happened. But, we only have 1 side of the story. And I would rather give Moz, the benefit of the doubt. Especially considering that WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A DJ!!

Roy Around the Fountain
- Wed, Aug 25, 1999 at 08:17:57 (PDT) | #9

if the d.j. himself said he had the waiter say it was "from a fan" (or friend or whatever...) how would good ol' morrissey even know who it was from??

Lauren <[email protected]>
here - Wed, Aug 25, 1999 at 19:25:28 (PDT) | #10

severe lamitude on the part of the dj. a gift is not so if not selfless. sour grapes all around.

John in NJ <[email protected]>
Trenton, NJ - Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 07:44:02 (PDT) | #11

We're talking about a Y-107 DJ. All the new ones are obnoxious!! I HATE THEM ALL!! 'Cept Evan... he's pretty cool. Jessie is especially annoying along with the Harrisson Crew and that stupid morning show. WE WANT ANDY BACK!! OK, I think I'm done. HANG THE DJ!

The Lonely Superstar <[email protected]>
Southern Calif - where the ground moves and the traffic doesn't - Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 21:45:45 (PDT) | #12

Forget about this silly story that no one really knows about. Let's hang the DJ's in Philly and NJ. I would kill for ANY DJ who would just once play a Morrissey song!!!! Where is WDRE now? At least they were good for one or two a week. (even Dial-A-Cliche once, if you can believe it.) Burn down the disco! Hang the BLOODY DJ!

Play Moz, For The Love of God <[email protected]>
NJ - Fri, Aug 27, 1999 at 23:13:54 (PDT) | #13

* return to Morrissey-solo