"Long-Lost Morrissey Videos Unearthed For DVD"
Posted on Thu, Aug 12 1999 at 8:42 a.m. PDT
by David T. <[email protected]>
First with the link to the article at allstar is Holly Bishop:
Long-Lost Morrissey Videos Unearthed For DVD

Aug 11, 1999, 11:30 am PT

Morrissey has sent the folks at Reprise on a bit of a musical scavenger hunt to come up with some long- lost videos to include on his upcoming DVD release. With the mission of including all of his videos, Reprise execs have been hard at work tracking down some never- before- seen videos, including "Seasick, Yet Still Docked" and "Hold Onto Your Friends."

The "Seasick" master was found Tuesday (Aug. 10) through people involved in its production in the U.K., while a source says the label is thisclose to finding the "Hold Onto Your Friends" video. "Seasick" is from the live album, Beethoven Was Deaf and Your Arsenal, while "Hold Onto Your Friends" is from the album Vauxhall and I. When asked what the "Seasick" video entails, our source quipped, "Morrissey singing." Morrissey -- who gave Reprise a long list of clips to unearth -- especially wanted tracked down these two videos for the DVD, which now has the title of ¡Oye Esteban!.

¡Oye Esteban! will likely include 19 videos and, as previously reported here (allstar, July 29), will be released before Christmas at the same time Reprise released the Smiths DVD titled, The Smiths: The Complete Picture. The Moz is writing the booklet that will go inside ¡Oye Esteban!.

-- Carrie Borzillo

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Comments / Notes

literally can't wait....(also really excited to be the first post - sorry he he).

ciao julie

julie <[email protected]>
oz - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 08:52:22 (PDT) | #1

This "The Complete Picture" had better be COMPLETE, unlike the OTHER "The Complete "Picture," which wasn't so complete, after all. :)

Lifeguard Commenting
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 09:02:10 (PDT) | #2

the complete picture OR WHAT? hmmmmm?

julie <[email protected]>
oz - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 09:18:05 (PDT) | #3

Oh, I get it....Esteban =;)

Viva Moz!

LA - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 09:18:22 (PDT) | #4

oh Moz is so clever. And I bet the complete picture will be great since he seems to be putting it together

Corey <[email protected]>
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 09:42:24 (PDT) | #5

I'll buy it just for the booklet if Moz is writing it, even though I don't have a DVD player! Maybe I can borrow one from my sister's friend's dad's cousin.

Oye Esteban ... what exactly does that mean and since when does he speak Spanish???

mysterious eel
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 10:29:08 (PDT) | #6

I am a new Morrissey fan so I am sorry if this is a dumb question. But, I don't understand the meaning of the title of the new DVD. Someone said Estaban=Steven. What does that mean? I am trying to learn as much as I can. Thanks.

Cocoa Beach - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 10:39:23 (PDT) | #7

Oye Esteban means Hey, Steven in Spanish.

Jose Maldonado <[email protected]>
Pasadena CA - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 10:53:43 (PDT) | #8

I wish he would have them include the free Wolverhamtpon show that was included in clip form on the Hulmerist video. They did play both Smiths and his solo work that night which included members of the smiths. Bye the way if anyone has this already please contact me..

Johnny Marr <[email protected]>
Southern California - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 11:19:03 (PDT) | #9

I don't own a DVD (Dumb video Disc)(ha) yet.
Does Moz have any plans on releasing it on
tape or CD? Hey Dale, Maybe if you save your
girly allowance for 5 years youll be able to
buy it. (ha) Hey do you live by Ron Jons Surf shop? Do you surf?

Chespaw - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 11:26:57 (PDT) | #10

Hey Dale, I'm assuming you don't know Morrissey's full name is Steven Patrick Morrissey (or maybe you do. I don't know). Hope that helps.

- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 11:31:35 (PDT) | #11

Thanks for the information. I did not know that Morrissey's first name is Steven. That is a pretty clever name for the DVD.
Warren, why are you such a jerk? I do kind of live by Ron Jons, but I do not surf. From what my mom says, its really dangerous with all the sharks and jellyfish and stuff. Besides I'm not that good of a swimmer.
To everyone else: what is the best Morrissey video that is out already. I would like to buy one (or get it for my birthday in September). I wish MTV would play some of his videos instead of the stupid Backstreet Boys.

Cocoa Beach - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 11:45:10 (PDT) | #12

I don't understand why Moz would only release it on DVD. While it is a superior video system, it isn't greatly popular yet. In contrast, everyone has a VCR, so it would make sense from a financial and sales stand point to release it on video tape as well. Dale, if you want Smiths videos, get "the complete picture". If you want morrissey videos, get "hulmerist" or "the malady lingers on". If you want concerts from morrissey get "live in dallas" (1991) or "introducing Morrissey" (1995). Some of this aren't made on VHS anymore, but you can find them used. Ask for them on the marketplace discussion board.

Joe <[email protected]>
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 11:56:32 (PDT) | #13

Dale, it is always good to see a new fellow Moz fan. As for Warren, don't worry the jerk probably doesn't know anything more than you do. Hey I live by Daytona Beach, it's finally good to find someone that likes Moz that is in the same area as myself. If you have any more questions I'll try to answer, feel free to ask.

Sherry <[email protected]>
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:00:34 (PDT) | #14

I respect you as a New Moz fan(whatever whatever) but not surfing
cause of Sharks or Jellyfish might be the wussiest thing I ever heard. You are a total surfers can you name???? Moz rules Warren is Mama's Boy. I used to live in Vero Beach(where the waves get huge) and I surfed all the time(Plus I skateboarded too) Have you ever heard of Kelly Slater? How many pro outta here booooooy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chespaw - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:16:22 (PDT) | #15

Oh and for your info On my backpack I have two
smith patches and 1 surf hard or go home patch
so you know I surf. Outttttttttt

Chespaw - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:19:37 (PDT) | #16

Warren, I hope you drown.

- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:24:51 (PDT) | #17

Dag, My one email got screwed up but it wasn't my fault, Damn computer. Sherry dont even go there girlfriend, I know I know more Smith songs than you Dale if I go back to Vero to visit my cousins (Gus and Emily) I'll swing through CoCoa and teach you how to rip. Thats If your mom lets you out of the front yard. : )(ha)

Chespaw - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:34:50 (PDT) | #18

My guess is that it will be released on DVD and VHS, but seeing as how DVD is the big stink right now, they chose to say "new DVD"...

I couldn't see them making it DVD only...

Joseph <[email protected]>
Los Angeles, CA - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:38:39 (PDT) | #19

Lifeguard sleeping, Warren drowning....while being stung by jellyfish and eaten by sharks.

- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 12:56:20 (PDT) | #20

Thanks to Joe and Sherry for all the information on Morrissey. I can't wait to get some videos and CDs. I may not know all about him yet, but he is already my favorite singer and songwriter. I can't wait to hear more of his songs (my older sister only has Bona Drag but I've listened to it about 100 times already its great)

Warren, you remind me of one of my favorite songs...
"There are some bad people on the rise" (Warren)
I wish you would take an "Interesting Drug" that would make you less of a jerk.
Also, I may not be a surfer like you (big deal) but at least I don't share a room with my grandmother. HaHaHaHaHaHa.

Cocoa Beach - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 13:04:29 (PDT) | #21

Dale, you're welcome for the info. Most morrissey fans are nice people who help each other, but once in awhile there is a person like Warren who tries to impress us with his coolness. If you have any questions about Morrissey, feel free to e-mail me.

Joe <[email protected]>
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 14:13:08 (PDT) | #22

Joe, Daniel and Brandon What gives? Why
don't you clowns cool it and lay off?? I have got
the biggest headache. Troy's sister who is 20 (and smokes cloves cigarettes) let me borrow her thick black glasses and I wore them around the mall today. Big mistake. My eyes and my head are killing me. I'll be back on later. Brandon
do me a favor and get a life.....Ooouuccchhhh. Oh and leave my dumbass grandmother out of this. OK!!!

Chespaw - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 14:52:49 (PDT) | #23

Someone {Joe, was it?} didn't think *Oye Estaban* would be released only on DVD and couldn't think of a good reason for limiting its release to this format.

Hey, I don't have a DVD player either. But I would buy one just so I could view this Morrissey release over and over. It's nice to have digital quality and all. Nice but not necessary. But things are different when Moz is involved -- nice becomes need! Oh, the sickening greed.

I think the makers of DVD players have struck up deals with companies who make discs. By getting vaunted artists to release exclusively on DVD, the DVD makers stimulate sales of this new format. During the 80s with cds, they often enticed people to buy the cds and cd players by adding on bonus tracks for the cd only. DVD would be better to own because there wouldn't be any problem with the tape degrading over years of heavy viewing or getting chewed up in the vcr.

Morrissey is hardly popular, but that doesn't matter. The first cds to be marketed in the early 80s weren't top 40 popular, either. They were aimed at the elite who had a lot of disposable income. Morrissey still has this intensely loyal and obsessive audience that's better than any fickle fanbase however large. You could get more Morrissey fans to buy DVD players motivated by his release alone than if you went after all the fans of Ricky Martin and Brittany "boob-job" Spears on the strength of their names as the sole reason to get a DVD player. The majority of Menudo fans probably couldn't buy a DVD player mostly because it's hard to come up with that kind of money when you're 13 and only making $5/ hour as a babysitter. Plus, they don't seem to be picky about things like digital video quality and other electronic-geek matters.

Isn't it strange that Morrissey's most recent video releases (Sunny and now Oye Estaban) partake of modern tech given his luddite disavowal of being involved with computers and the internet?

a place in Hell - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 15:42:52 (PDT) | #24

Yeah Dale ignore Warren. There are very few rude Morrissey fans.

And Warren why do you think we care about the details of your life? Who cares about the names of your cousins and that you wore your friends sister's glasses?

Corey <[email protected]>
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 16:38:11 (PDT) | #25

only 19 videos? I know of 24 (including the Alma Matters video, which won't be on there) Which 4 are they dropping for this "complete" collection?

- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 16:48:53 (PDT) | #26

Hey Dale, my b-day's in September too!

Better start saving up for a DVD player...

here in Orlando - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 17:09:01 (PDT) | #27

Warrenmeister, How old are you? You seem very very young and immature. Can you please answer this question without a cheesy comeback?

Ann Coates
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 17:59:33 (PDT) | #28

Warren, I'm reeling from your vicious, verbal blow. oh, please stop.....

- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 18:49:09 (PDT) | #29

I personally own a DVD player and it is by far one of the best things I have ever boughtin'. A good DVD (Say Ghostbusters) included over 2 and a half hours of extra stuff. Deleted scenes, commentary, interviews etc. Some of the reasons They are probably putting them out on DVD is that they are music videos which will sound alot better, 2. They can fit 8 hours onto one disk. Which is going to be cool when the Twin Peaks DVds come out. If it is really that long, they probably dont think that Morrissey fans, loyal as they maybe, would pay $30 for a double tape VHS. But what the hell do I know.

buddy <[email protected]>
- Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 21:08:57 (PDT) | #30

Don't be all mad at Warren, he's just haven some laughs, no big deal. I mean, sometimes people with overprotective moms is pretty funny. I'm not trying to be rude to Dale or anything, I think it's great that there are new Morrissey fans every day, but come on man, lighten up a bit! And I'll see some of you in Cali Oct. 9th, just for Moz himself!

Yuma, AZ - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 21:19:36 (PDT) | #31

Warren, is there a reason you tell us all about your life? I'm not one to bash people, but I am sure not one damn person cares. You are pretty nasty to everyone here, I'm sure no one cares that you wore black glasses that arew your sister's friends cousins. You seem to post some sort of excuse everytime someone lashes back at you, you have said you have a headache twice now. It's getting old.

Luke <[email protected]>
Arvada, Co - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 21:52:41 (PDT) | #32

all that concerns the insipid Moz these days is dinero - My Early Burglary Years? no, My Current Burglary Years

Steven <[email protected]>
NYC - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 22:02:37 (PDT) | #33

Oye, Estaban! Te amo con todo mi corazon! Tu musica, tus palabras...Ojala que te miro en Indio! Hasta luego mi amor!

Morrissey Forever

maribelle (sixteen, clumsy and shy)
southern cali - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 23:16:18 (PDT) | #34

Hey, Chris from Yuma, I'm from El Centro!! See you in Indio!!

southern cali - Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 23:19:44 (PDT) | #35

Reissue, repackage, repackage
Re-evaluate the songs
Double pack with a photograph
Extra track and a tacky badge

David T
London UK - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 02:30:07 (PDT) | #36

I have to agree David, the irony of it all hasn't been lost on me either.

- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 03:19:47 (PDT) | #37

David your borrowed words really speak volumes. They really do, i'm not being sarcastic.
And now that everyone else has noticed what a great guy warren is, maybe we should start a warren-solo site. He seems to be getting more discussion than the artist featured here anyway.

Frankie Shankly
Southern California - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 07:38:27 (PDT) | #38

Has anyone else clicked on the Allstar link? What is with that picture of Morrissey? Is that a mug shot?

John M.
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 07:55:28 (PDT) | #39

well, i'm getting them.......i dont have theeeee DVD player but my computer is DVD compatible... you pooooooooooor schmucks!!!

jimmy dean <[email protected]>
calif - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 11:25:12 (PDT) | #40

Hey guys! I talked to a friend (who is Spanish)
and he told me that Esteban is Spanish for Steven)
I respect Moz's way of doing things but if he writes his book in Spanish will there eventually be an English version?? Need the info....

Chespaw - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 12:05:41 (PDT) | #41

I know this isn't really on topic, but someone mentioned a Twin Peaks DVD coming out? Is that fact or wishfull thinking? Oh, how I wish it were fact!

Kid Absynth <[email protected]>
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 12:45:13 (PDT) | #42

We can't call him steve, but we can call him Esteban. Imagining he is a latin lover, I suppose.

I'll let him state his case, if he wishes. :)

Your friend
Oivay, Steven - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 16:17:45 (PDT) | #43

It is my belief that Warren is mentally deranged. He seems a bit off to me and I am actually somewhat frightened by him.

Back on topic, DVD is wonderful. One of the most annoying things about video cassettes is trying to find certain specific points on the tape. When you've got a string of music videos on one video tape and you're only interested in viewing one or two that sit somewhere at the center, DVD becomes something of a blessing. Aside from the better sound or picture (although if you've got a superHiFi these are comparable), DVD is the obvious better choice.

Cili Barnes <[email protected]>
Los Angeles - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 16:48:11 (PDT) | #44

I think Dale sounds really sweet. Wish there was a beach where I lived.

Dark, Gothic Manchester - Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 16:54:38 (PDT) | #45

I love my DVD player to DEATH. And the reason it may be DVD only is because DVDs can hold SO much more information in higher quality than VHS. This collection could very well span 3 videotapes depending how much footage is included, which is not very cost effective for retail sale. Anyway, if you already own a computer, you can add the capability to play DVDs on it for under $200. Some even have the option to output to a TV which is way better. My Moz laserdiscs are fantastic, I can't wait to see this stuff on DVD!

Jason <[email protected]>
- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 20:02:30 (PDT) | #46


- Fri, Aug 13, 1999 at 20:10:52 (PDT) | #47

nothing new to add here except i've just fallen off my seat laughing, a number of times ....special thanks to daniel, brandon, luke, frankie shankly and cili - there were tears in my eyes. lol.

ciao julie

julie <[email protected]>
oz - Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 07:30:52 (PDT) | #48

I guess Morrissey heard that there was a "spanish morrissey" (Mikel Erentxun), and he named his DVD to reclaim his place. Mikel next CD should be titled "Hey Mike!"

Marvin <[email protected]>
- Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 12:07:23 (PDT) | #49

Oh I really want a DVD player too. And now I must have one anyway. I really hope they take over the vhs market. They are so outdated.

Anyway I just wanted to ask a question. Why do so many Morrissey fans here think that Morrissey is after money...he could live "quite comfortably" for the rest of his life on what he has now. He has never been interested in the quick buck and you should all realize that. Isn't it possible that he is thinking of the fans rather than himself? He has always been good to his fans.

Corey <[email protected]>
- Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 13:42:58 (PDT) | #50

speaking of mikel erentxun....i just want to say that he is an incredible artist...ok that is all:)

adrien <[email protected]>
- Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 14:23:57 (PDT) | #51

About this whole DVD business...I am buying one. There is no doubt about it. I will most likely get one for my computer.

About the translation of "Oye Esteban!" Some mentioned that the word "oye" means "to hear." In a way that is correct, but "oye" can also be used as a form of "hey". "Hey Steven" makes sense. And anyways, Moz would do something like that to get us stirring.

And speaking of Mikel Erenxtun, I picked up this flyer for the famous Spanish oriented club, JC Fandango in Orange County, CA. Mikel is going to play there along with his band Duncan Dhu on Sunday, September 26th. They are truly the Spanish equivalent of Moz / Smiths.

On another "rock en Espanol" note, Cafe Tacuba said that in their early days "we sounded like a bad impersonation of The Smiths." This quote came from an O.C. newspaper from last week.

VicVega <[email protected]>
- Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 18:50:23 (PDT) | #52

Has anyone heard where else in the US THE MOZ will be playing other than THE COACHELLA FESTIVAL?? I heard he will be playing at six spots in the US but where are they??? THE MOZ cannot be missed!!! Anyone have info on this please E-mail me...

Gregg <[email protected]>
- Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 19:32:30 (PDT) | #53

Back in the early 80s I don't think anyone released exclusively on CD.

This isn't just about Moz making money. It would be a lot more convenient for his devoted fans if the video was available in more than one format. Most folks have only VHS.

I hate technology.

god knows
- Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 07:59:45 (PDT) | #54

Hey Ciao Julie, what are you thanking those people for??? Has anyone out west heard anything
on Krock about Moz and Marr playing together yet.
I need the info people!!! Man I am getting bored just hanging out with my friends and the band, what do you guys out there do for fun?? Keep rockin' Warren is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chespaw - Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 08:18:01 (PDT) | #55


Everyone knows that Morrissey and Marr are getting back together. We just didn't want to tell you so it would be a surprise.

US dates? We'll see what the geezer has up his sleeve as well. The Americans who do come to Coachella need to work their magic. Any fragrant oils, candles, and nicely toned men and women (he can have both) who don't mind lending their bodies to a good cause must come out in full force.

MENSA candidate
It's called "radar love" - Sun, Aug 15, 1999 at 11:12:01 (PDT) | #56

* return to Morrissey-solo