Recent content by sussi

  1. S

    List on Books

    Thank you Mr Grim. Sorry for the late reply!!!
  2. S


    Will Morrissey do anything this Thursday in memory of the death of Elvis, 30 years? I wish I wish he would sing a song... Sussi wonders...
  3. S

    List on Books

    Ok, thats great if you'd get back to me on that! Another question: What do you actually mean by: "To get a girlfriend would be like stop drinking coffee" I simply don't get it!!!??
  4. S

    List on Books

    Thanks for the great ideas! I live in Stockholm, not Gothenburg! I really don't know any good stores in this town. What would be the place in Gothenburg, if I would happen to go there... Sussi
  5. S

    List on Books

    Does anybody have a link (or a list) to the best most complete list of books about The Smiths and Morrissey to share with me? What book is the best about Moz do you think? Sussi
  6. S


    Necklace I am curious to find out about that necklace that Moz wears. ANybody knows anything about it?
  7. S

    Relationship problem!

    Just met a new guy whom I really like and after the second date he asked me with a suspicious look on his face if I was a heavy fan of Moz - even though I hardly mentioned him at all - and I found myself saying something blunt like "yeah well he is ok"... How do you manage to keep your...
  8. S

    Books on fans?

    I sent you an e-mail. Anyway, it would be interesting to know more about your work. Can we read it when you are done?
  9. S

    Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

    I am thinking about me beeing drunk sending e-mails to people and now there is no way i can get out of this situation... I wish it was impossible to access any e-mail program or mobilephone when drunk!
  10. S

    Books on fans?

    I saw that a professor in the dept. of music, Sheila Whitely, made a presentation as well. What I find a bit odd is that there are no publication after the conference. Usually every conference committée wants to publish the best papers. Why not now? Loads of people would by it so they would not...
  11. S

    Books on fans?

    Sorry to bother you again but I checked the home page of Karl Maton and found no publications regarding Moz but the presentation was mentioned: Why Pamper Life's Complexities? Symposium on The Smiths: Manchester, April 2005 - Last Night They Dreamt That Somebody Loved Them: Fans of The...
  12. S

    Books on fans?

    Sounds like a great book this All men have... I will order it now! Thanks!!! The Swedish journalist Fredrik Strage's book Fans will become a play at the theater. Don't know how it will turn out... But hopefully the chapter regarding Moz will be part of the script...
  13. S

    Books on fans?

    Are there any books about fans of Moz/The Smiths? I know that Fredrik Strage had one chapter about Moz fans in his book entitled Fans in Swedish. But is there something more? And do you know if there are any scholarly stuff written about Moz or analyses about his fans? I remember some...
  14. S

    Swedish Political election

    Now that the Leftist (socialist) party has problems I don't know what to do! What do you think Morrissey would have done if he would have? The environmental party? Or stuck to the Leftist party anyway? Or perhaps the Feminist party? I am in agony here and it would be nice to have a...
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