Recent content by IAmAmbiguity

  1. IAmAmbiguity

    Morrissey Central: Tommy Robinson Freed - Styxhexenhammer666 YouTube

    Probably because this guy made a video about... well, mostly about Tommy Robinson, with Morrissey spoken about only briefly. "Morrissey Gets it, Condemns Imprisonment of Tommy Robinson, Gets Defamed By UK Media"
  2. IAmAmbiguity

    Was Morrissey in love with Johnny Marr?

    From the horse's mouth- GQ: “Were you in love with Johnny Marr?” M: “Sexually? Absolutely not. There was a love and it was mutual and equal but it wasn’t physical or sexual. There are lots of people post-Smiths who would like to make some dramatic homosexual story. There never was one. It’s...
  3. IAmAmbiguity

    Morrissey turns 59 - May 22, 2018

    Happy Birthday Morrissey. In light of all of the excitement that's occurred in the past 6 months, I hope that today, at least, is very kind to you. I'm very, very grateful you were born. I adore you beyond words or reason.
  4. IAmAmbiguity

    Morrissey: Racism and bigotry masquerading as animal welfare - Love Music Hate Racism

    He most likely took that idea from The Importance of Being Earnest. There's a part where Lady Bracknell tells Jack that losing both parents is careless. ("JACK. I have lost both my parents./ LADY BRACKNELL. Both... that seems like carelessness." ) He probably thought it very clever and was...
  5. IAmAmbiguity

    'It is better to speak' quote by Audre Lorde - M. Central update

    After he got slated for this last interview, I think he realized that it's what he's saying that's getting people angry. I think prior to that, he thought it was entirely press manipulation and aimed attacks that the angry people were simply falling for. Now that he's posted an interview with...
  6. IAmAmbiguity

    morrissey frink thread!

    I found this in the depths of Google... Anyone have any context?
  7. IAmAmbiguity

    Ed Sheeran hates birds esp. the common skylark

    I think this speaks for itself. Go on, Moz!
  8. IAmAmbiguity

    "Rourke - Joyce - Gannon / Summer 2018" tweet - Something's going on...

    Clever, but see an anagram is the rearranging of the letters in a word. I believe the answer you were looking for is: The Shits? :lbf: Which may turn out to be quite apt depending on what this is. Please excuse my pessimism.
  9. IAmAmbiguity

    Morrissey's December Speech 2017 - SER / YouTube

    He does say that you can hear the fact that he doesn't support rape, sexual harassment, etc. in his voice, if that counts. He never flat out talked about it, but he didn't avoid it.
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