Recent content by Gullwing

  1. G

    W2 Size in 2012...Moz or Whyte

    So...Alain has a big song with Madonna that sounds a lot like a hit single....he could become very wealthy, very quickly. It would be ironic if he ends of making more this year than Moz. However, I have always thought of Alain as Moz's best solo congrats to the dude.
  2. G

    Morrissey's World Blogspot: who is the actual author?

    Morrisseyworld....a case of hacking? Does anyone else see the co-incidences as rather odd? Now the comment about being dangerous.... Is it possible someone has hacked into Morrissey's email? These comments all seem to predict something...and it would be easy to do if you could read emails...
  3. G

    Caswell - Elle and The Beezer

    So...I know I am reaching beyond what is even remotely fair, but if you could give a listen (I see a number of you have) and then Like it on Facebook, it would make me :guitar:
  4. G

    Caswell - Elle and The Beezer

    Sneak peak at our first release...Caswell's Elle and the Beezer. Here is I'll Run All Night Girl. The sound is definitely influenced by Marr and other guitar based british bands. Here is the sneak at Love Lights. It is not...
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