Recent content by ajrooney

  1. A

    The irritating nature of b-sides

    Some bands have amazing b-sides. Take Oasis as an example. Some of their best songs are b-sides that can only be purchased with the singles.
  2. A


    Does listening to Mozz in an altered state, ie, drunk, stone, etc. enhance or hinder your expererience?
  3. A

    Hilary Duff likes Morrissey

    Hey, that song in which she sings, "let the rain fall down..." is pretty damn catchy...
  4. A

    The Moz/Smiths Top 100, Part 202: THIS NIGHT HAS OPENED MY EYES

    Definetly not a top Smiths track 'at least in my humble mind.' The fact that this song has been receving so many 10's really harms the credibility of the list, as many previous songs have. The whole countdown would have been more effective if people were alloted so many 10's, 9's and 8's to...
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    The Moz/Smiths Top 100, Part 200: THIS CHARMING MAN

    Is there a Smiths intro that gets one more excited?
  6. A

    The Moz/Smiths Top 100, Part 192: THE QUEEN IS DEAD

    The greatest Smiths epic, and easily one of their top 5, perhaps 3, songs ever written. The perfect start to their best album. An easy 10 out of 10.
  7. A

    Top 10 Favorite Bands or Singers

    The only reason you'd catch hell from me is because I feel the Clash were exponentially better than the Sex Pistols
  8. A

    Top 10 Albums at the moment

    It has been beaten to death, but it always makes for interesting browsing. To make it more interesting; only album by a group, no greatest hits and no live albums. They don't have to be in order. The Smiths-The Queen is Dead Guns and Roses-Appetite for Destruction Meat Loaf-Bat out of...
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    Led Zeppelin is about to go on and so are The Beatles. The only major acts holding out are Tool, Radiohead and The Smiths. What is preventing The Smiths from being on iTunes? Not that it matters to most of us, as we all probably have every Smiths song, it is just something that I'd like to know.
  10. A

    R 'n R HOF 2008 nominations: no Smiths

    The Smiths will not be eligible until next year, when they will get in 'I assume this because of an article published last year listing several artists that were close to definetly getting in.'
  11. A

    Another month, another Q Album chart

    I don't see how "Grace" changed music, even though his voice is great. It could be better in terms of albums that changed music, this feels like more of a best albums list.
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    What is the best way to obtain a cd that contains the song "Jeane" on it?
  13. A

    Morrissey and Lady Diana

    We all love Morrissey, but Diana has done more for the human race than Morrissey will or could ever do.
  14. A

    The Smiths-Still Ill

    Has anyone seen this film? If so, how is it?
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