posted by davidt on Friday October 12 2007, @11:00PM
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Informative and interesting posts will be moderated up and highlighted. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.
posted by davidt on Friday October 12 2007, @04:30PM
Keeping Mine Hidden writes:
Johnny has lent his full support to Radiohead's radical way of releasing their album "In Rainbows". Johnny told the BBC:

"I think it's a really fantastic idea because it puts the responsibility back on people's own consciences and deals with people as grown ups. It's not hiding behind any corporate nonsense, it's just saying 'this is the way it is, let's get on with it'. Everyone knows you can get your music for free, so let's see if you really want to show the band your appreciation."
adalfan writes:
Per post on Johnny Marr/Ian Brown think Radiohead 'pay what you want' concept for their latest disc is a positive idea...

"Johnny Marr said, "We'll see if their good faith is going to be rewarded. I think it will work."

Full story.
posted by davidt on Friday October 12 2007, @04:30PM
Dorrissey sends the link:

Punk Band Joy Division Left a Legacy That's to Die For - Wired
posted by davidt on Friday October 12 2007, @04:30PM
kent brockman writes:
Underground is hosting an after party for the Friday night Morrissey show. As Morrissey nears the end of an amazing two week stint at the Hollywood Palladium, come celebrate the music of Morrissey and The Smiths.
Extra Moz tracks this Friday.

If you bring a ticketstub from any of the recent Palladium Morrissey shows, you get in for FREE. Spread the word to the Handsome Devils and Girls Least Likely Too and join us for some serious Mozmania.

@ The ECHO
[Between Alvarado and Echo Park Blvd]

Every Friday
Doors around 9-ish
FREE before 10:30
$5 if 21+, $7 under 21

Underground - often imitated, never duplicated
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