posted by davidt on Thursday June 01 2006, @11:00AM
ACTON writes:
A reminder: Moz will be on UK TV on Friday 02nd June. Later with Jools Holland starts on BBC2 at 11.35pm on Friday.
Belligerent Ghoul also sends the link:

Mozzer is Jools' crown - Manchester Online
posted by davidt on Thursday June 01 2006, @11:00AM
Belligerent Ghoul sends the link / excerpt:

Final Fantasy - He Got Game - Exclaim!

Pallett finds equally morbid and amusing parallels between Mishima and one of his other idols, Morrissey. “In my head they are two figures who are tied together in some way, these incredibly talented but malevolent forces. The actual function of both of their writing is something very negative and destructive. The question is whether it’s necessary or not. To my mind there’s no disputing that Mishima is the greatest author of the 20th century, and to me Morrissey is probably the most interesting figure in pop music of the last 30 years. There are so many different sides to what they’re writing about. It’s like believing in a lie, basically. Life is not that tragic or dramatic. It would be wonderful if it was, but the way Mishima writes, he over-philosophises and applies meaning to so many things that are inconsequential.”
posted by davidt on Thursday June 01 2006, @11:00AM
someraincoatedlovers sends the link:


Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network (
2006-05-31 14:14:50 -

British rocker MORRISSEY considered suicide "many times" because he saw the devastating act as "an art form".
The HOW SOON IS NOW? star claims many of his artistic heroes have killed themselves, and this inspired his morbid outlook.
He says, "It occurred to me that most of the people in the arts that I ever admired always came to that conclusion about their own lives.
"I considered it to be something of an art form and to be a very respectful decision about having maximum control.
"I never considered it to be cowardly or running away or giving up.
"I considered it to be a very admirable thing to do, a very difficult thing to do, a very brave thing to do."
posted by davidt on Thursday June 01 2006, @11:00AM
Jay writes:
Boz and the Bozmen's legendary album
is now available on cd for the fist time.
featuring two bonus tracks CREEPY JOHN
git it @
posted by davidt on Thursday June 01 2006, @11:00AM
Belligerent Ghoul sends the link / excerpt:

Pittsburgh Calling: 6/1/06 - Strangeway - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Tolentino's playlist: Tolentino tells people his three favorite bands are the Beatles, Smashing Pumpkins and The Smiths: "Lyrically and melodically, Morrissey writes really great stuff. Sonically, Smashing Pumpkins is so driving. And I don't think it gets any better than Lennon, McCartney ..."
Today's News | June 2 | May 31  >

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