posted by davidt on Wednesday May 01 2002, @10:00AM
Lazy Sunbather writes:

I'm sure it hasn't escaped your attention that 2002 is actually the 20th anniversary of Our Troubled Troubadour's foray into the world of songwriting and stage performance (according to "The Smiths - The Visual Documentary" by Johnny Rogan, the "mythological meeting of Morrissey and Maher" took place at 384 King's Road sometime in May, 1982). I think it would be quite touching for Steven, if all of us who regularly come in here to 'solo' could make some contribution to this well earned and overdue celebration.

"This Man's Work"

For me this is an important celebration. Lest we forget Our Steven was a profoundly shy, diffident, awkward young man in his teens and early twenties. For him to start performing on stage with a highly accomplished musician like Marr must have been a daunting task - but as we can now appreciate twenty years later, this challenge was surmounted admirably; he took to performance like a duck to water.

I have always found it eternally fascinating that someone so shy and retiring could become one of the greatest stage performers of their generation. The Boy Least Likely To ended up offering the full package: loveable good looks and unearthly charisma and stage presence, lyrics that could only be written by a genius touched by the hand of God, stage shows unsurpassed for sheer hysteria, glamour, AND that distinctive voice that is elegiac, plaintive and ever so ironic, not to mention those brilliant Celtic inflections he puts in his work e.g "Girlfriend In A Coma". And as for those those low cut gold lame blouses. Well need I say more?

I think all iconographers of Morrissey's work would agree that his output over the past two decades has been truly remarkable and fascinating. How impoverished our lives would be culturally if it wasn't for that that great showbiz entertainer himself - MR. STEVEN PATRICK MORRISSEY!

Many Thanks

Lazy Sunbather
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  • mebbe not... (Score:1, Informative)

    hadn't morrissey already cut his teeth with the nosebleeds?
    thirsty fists <[email protected]> -- Wednesday May 01 2002, @10:06AM (#29075)
    (User #149 Info)
    "world's ugliest boy"
    • Re:mebbe not... by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday May 01 2002, @04:43PM
    • Maybe yes by Lazy Sunbather (Score:1) Thursday May 02 2002, @06:16AM
  • Could not have put it better myself.Bravo.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 01 2002, @10:14AM (#29078)
  • "I have always found it eternally fascinating that someone so shy and retiring could become one of the greatest stage performers of their generation"

    --> maybe there's still some hope for me ;)

    --> congratualations Steven & Johnny
    Vincent <[email protected]> -- Wednesday May 01 2002, @10:30AM (#29088)
    (User #1110 Info |
    Don't rake up my mistakes, I know exactly what they are!
  • but that reads like something you would haver written in celebration of his birthday.
    you seemed to have forgotten Marr and his amazing guitar playing and songwriting with The Smiths.

    there will never be anything quite like Morrissey/Marr. and there never will be.
    bernard -- Wednesday May 01 2002, @11:04AM (#29093)
    (User #3004 Info)
    ...and like all ugly things, it fell in love.
  • Even though The Smiths have been around for only 5 of those years, you can still feel the shockwaves to this day of they're presence, of when they first came out with they're first single hand in glove. All I have to say is long live The Smiths. 20 years of glory and greatness and brilliance.
    bobmoz <[email protected]> -- Wednesday May 01 2002, @11:31AM (#29098)
    (User #841 Info)
  • Let me tell you there's a Page with some Letters Steven wrote to a Scottish friend. Deeply reveiling!!!!
    Anonymous -- Wednesday May 01 2002, @04:07PM (#29120)
  • One and a half year later it marked my life

    I really wished those 4 stubborn men say
    sorry to eachother, and at least do a real
    goodbye tour/gig

    Celibate thanks;

    Steven Partick Morrissey
    Johnny Marr [Maher]
    Andy Rourke
    Mike Joyce

    [and Graig Gannon as additional guitarist on the Rank album ;)]

    and makes a bow.
    Celibate Cry <[email protected]> -- Wednesday May 01 2002, @08:40PM (#29130)
    (User #220 Info)
    and the hills are alive with celibate cries
  • Thank You Johnny and Morrissey, for giving the world your gift of music and letting us sing and dance along to your beat.
    There are no other bands past or present that have expressed such a profound outlook on life,
    Morrissey/Johnny gave their audience more credit then just being the average listener.
    They delivered some of the worlds most brilliant lyrics and unforgettable guitar work in the history of music.

    For that, I (We) as fans are eternally grateful.
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 02 2002, @12:35AM (#29137)
  • Stevie Nicks (Score:0, Insightful)

    Morrissey and Johnny Marr should have teamed up with the legendary Miss Stevie Nicks.

    It would have been a band made in heaven.

    Rock on, Gold Dust Woman!
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 02 2002, @03:00AM (#29142)
  • All I have to say is, it was worth it. God bless you Moz and Marr thank you for the best pop music ever made.
    Anonymous -- Thursday May 02 2002, @07:11AM (#29161)
  • Well said, Lazy Sunbather, there does appear to be something between your ears.
    Well, what can I say about Moz/Marr that hasn't already been said countless times without sinking away in a quagmire of clichés? Nothing. So I won't even try to.
    Without Moz/Marr's music you might as well lie in the middle of the street and die. So therefore I say that, Morrissey, nothing's changed, I still love you, only slightly more than used to.

    Love always.

    P.S. Sorry about the awful pun (if you can call it that) in the subject-bar, it was the best I could do.
    Troubled Jomo -- Thursday May 02 2002, @08:55AM (#29176)
    (User #4183 Info)
  • fascinating how things come together.

    i don't believe in fate or chance but it's interesting how Morrissey & Marr hooked up.

    perhaps the will of the individual (Morrissey's desperation & drive to become famous) brought it forth.

    or the lack of music with substance & meaning made The Smiths a necessity which *had* to be manifested one way or the other.

    or the sheer talent of those involved...

    The Smiths are very special.

    and Morrissey's words mean everything to me.
    texaho -- Thursday May 02 2002, @10:39AM (#29181)
    (User #438 Info)
  • I just started listening to The Smiths VERY often again after not listening to them much at all for the past year. I tend to turn to their music when facing tough times or to remind me of the days when things were less complicated and I was just discovering great music. 20 years of great tunes, from the best band that ever has and ever will exist.
    Unruly Girl -- Thursday May 02 2002, @11:26AM (#29183)
    (User #249 Info)
  • Dear Jim,

    I am always interested in how young couples first met.


    Chuck Woolery
    Jim Rome -- Thursday May 02 2002, @04:28PM (#29207)
    (User #720 Info |
    ...and how?
  • Twenty years

    Thanks for being one of the best singer/songwriters in history. The Smiths touched (and for some, saved)our lives in so many ways. Those songs will stay by my side for the rest of my life, as well as Morrissey's solo music.
    hand in glove -- Thursday May 02 2002, @10:02PM (#29220)
    (User #827 Info)
    "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe
  • I actually was 16 clumsy and shy some 18 years ago. And then The Smiths. I tell people, but they still don't understand how dramatic the Smiths were (are). It was a sigh of relief when, finally, I had something to listen to. I don't joke when I say that my record collection went in the trash the day I stumbled upon the Smiths. For those of you that "get it" and "get" the Smiths and Moz, I think you'll agree that the May 82 meeting was something that happens once in a lifetime. Oh, and let's be fair and say that although Moz had the vision, it would never have gone this far without Marr, Rourke, and Joyce....Never....
    Fence -- Friday May 03 2002, @02:13AM (#29225)
    (User #1034 Info)
    Heel in the back, size 13
  • After twenty years, doesn't it make our beloved Smiths legible to be added to the rock hall of fame?
            But being misunderstood for so long and by so many I would really doubt they would be put in for a while.
    mozzer14 -- Friday May 03 2002, @09:25AM (#29243)
    (User #3660 Info |
    last night I dreamt that somebody loved me...
  • You are so right, I had never tried to imagine what my life would be with out the smiths or morrissey. I know it wouldn't be all that different, but I wouldn't have the beautifull lyrics to cry to, I would feel oh so very alone, and I wouldn't be wearing this shirt.
    eve_halo -- Saturday May 04 2002, @12:26AM (#29266)
    (User #4456 Info)
  • How did we go from new record deal/tour/festival excitement to this pile of crap??
    Who gives a fuck what you were doing when you first got into The Smiths/Morrissey? You arrogant fuckwits, you think anyone cares?? Frankly, I'm ashamed to be a Morrissey fan when I look at the sad people who sometimes post on here. "I was sixteen, clumsy and shy when I first heard Morrissey's beautiful voice filling the room...etc...etc...obvious lyrical else makes good last i could empathise with someone...etc...why won't anyone sleep with me?" FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!
    gonzo -- Saturday May 04 2002, @04:09PM (#29276)
    (User #335 Info)
    Scene, but not herd
  • I can't imagine a day without Maladjusted, let alone Strangeways, but there's room in my heart for Raise the Pressure too! Good luck to the pair of them, and i hope that the Healer's album finds a home eventually.
    Fairmount Gas -- Monday May 06 2002, @05:54PM (#29330)
    (User #4713 Info |
    i am a simple man...
  • I stumbled on the Smiths about 2 or 3 years ago, when I was about 18. The first song I ever heard was "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" performed on TOTP2 and it literally changed my life. Seeing that performance was a really profound experience for me. Finally somebody who felt exactly the same as I did at the time, and still do sometimes.
    I immediately bought "Best of...I" the next day, and then I heard "This Charming" and I was just blown away by it. The lyrics, the music, the words, everything.
    So yes, May '82 is a sacred date. And just thank God that doesn't exist every day on my bare knees for the Smiths. I am a born again athiest.
    Now I have all the Smiths and Moz records but I still miss a couple of B-sides. Would anyone know where I might get those? Thanks.
    Spineless Swine <[email protected]> -- Friday May 10 2002, @07:54AM (#29540)
    (User #4968 Info)
    Leave your future behind you.

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