posted by davidt on Friday August 24 2007, @11:00AM
PFTLT writes:
Found this piece today:

Why are men so unhappy? - Belfast Telegraph

Thursday, August 23, 2007
By Frances A. Burscough

It used to be universally-accepted that teenage boys were the most disenchanted members of society. Remember Morrissey in the 80s who, as the self-proclaimed spokesman for a generation, penned the classic anthem, Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now?
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  • Men are miserable because women are fucking crazy.
    Anonymous -- Friday August 24 2007, @11:17AM (#272339)
  • God how tedious!!!

    Can Morrissey NEVER escape the shackles of that word?
    Compared to many artists, Morrissey's music, whether as a solo artist or in The Smiths has always been very uplifting and(in Linder's words) jubilant.
    Because of that one single he's been tarred with an inappropriate and misguided adjective.

    Journalists who LAZE is more like the thing!!!
    Requiescant Inpacce -- Friday August 24 2007, @12:33PM (#272367)
    (User #10687 Info)
    "You should not go to them...let them come to you...just like I do..."
  • Diogo Neto is the most miserable...and that is really a sad thing...
    Anonymous -- Friday August 24 2007, @03:23PM (#272388)
  • ...well maybe except for the guy who put up the first comment. Wasn't there humour in this article? I would say so. Didn't Morrissey suffer from depression in his youth? Not likely to be happy then. The reason I love Morrissey's lyrics is because they are so funny...but it is a black humour and I definitely think most teenagers are angst ridden and it's a difficult time. I also agree that men are miserable buggers when they get a bit older ~ they can't deal with the fact that they are maturing because they never grow up. Women are too busy to worry about getting older and are more fulfilled. It's always men who are out there watching/playing football/cycling/running/drinking/rollerskating/su rfing/sailing, etc. They don't realise how lucky they are to have the freedom and they're still bloody miserable.
    Cranberry -- Saturday August 25 2007, @01:34PM (#272514)
    (User #16651 Info)
  • Women are far more stressed about growing older because they feel useless to society. The idea of getting a boyfriend gets further and further away if they haven't sunk their claws into one already.

    Men can go childless without much questioning, and do far better at being alone than most women do. The minute women leave home, it seems that their only focus is finding a man at all costs. If that doesn't happen, then some experiment with women, but clearly aren't lesbians in any sexual indentity sense. Inevitably, such experimentation fades, and theese relationships become purely co-dependent. They then drift into their 30's lacking a strong sense of their own sexuality.

    All in all, the article was silly and likely made up in the last part where the author describes supposed dating catastrophes. It's typical editorial filler.

    After all, if half of the stuff she claimed happened was true, then those individual men have every right in the world to be bitter, and angry. Those were some fairly unique circumstances.

    Most men start out as nice guys until they enter their first serious relationship, and then realize how utterly irrational and child-like many women are.

    Women seem incapable of being truly happy in, or out of a relationship. Their days are filled with never ending insecurity, and doubt. Apparently bringing that into a relationship is natural to them.

    Anonymous -- Sunday August 26 2007, @12:07AM (#272562)

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