posted by davidt on Tuesday March 22 2005, @12:00PM
Waldo writes:

On the front page of right now there is a 'celebrity motoring mishaps' article and Morrissey is featured in it. Here's what it says:

'17. Morrissey
The singer escaped unhurt from a car crash in the US in October 2004. A Ford Mustang hit the back of his hired black Mercedes in Philadelphia, but the former singer of The Smiths was unscathed. Apparently he briefly looked at the bumper, which had been torn off his vehicle in the crash, before continuing his journey by taxi.'

20 celebrity motoring mishaps and misdemeanors by Matt Ball, MSN cars

Not sure if this is old news but it's always nice to see a Moz mention :)

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  • wouldve been so surreal to witness.
    chrisarclark <[email protected]> -- Tuesday March 22 2005, @12:07PM (#155162)
    (User #9259 Info)
    "I'm just passing through here on my way to somewhere civilized and maybe I'll even arrive, maybe I'll even arrive..."
  • Why panic if you have an accident? The whole world is FULL of (too many) cars. Like Morrissey did, have a look at the damage and then take a taxi. As I said it is only a car. Big deal?
    Anonymous -- Tuesday March 22 2005, @12:08PM (#155163)
  • Dear Jim,

    Morrissey gets number 17? That's lame!


    Billy Joel, Paula Abdul, and Halle (don't call me Marion) Berry.
    Jim Rome -- Tuesday March 22 2005, @03:34PM (#155232)
    (User #720 Info |
    ...and how?
  • I drove that Mustang and thank you Morrissey for not suing me!
    InterestingDruggie -- Tuesday March 22 2005, @08:42PM (#155269)
    (User #9368 Info)
  • Celebrity obviously makes headlines, that Morrissey can be included in a list of people involved in minor car accidents just because of who he is, whether he likes it or not.

    Another anomaly that has me wondering is the Jim Rome revelation; that someone, who has been friendly and entertaining enough under their own steam from time to time, would impersonate a semi-famous person and perpetuate the false impression of being him. After all, numerous posters refer from time to time to being in bands, being in the record business etc, so it would not be surprising that Moz has yet another fan with limelight of their own whose common humanity has them at ease communicating with other people who have a shared interest. To hide behind another’s identity though, extract glee from resultant confusion, and maybe occasional annoyance to the person themselves, ‘smacks’ to me of something odd, if not wrong (such an old-fashioned word). At worst, though I haven’t my criminology index to hand, isn’t it fraudulent, and at least, disturbingly arrogant, and an affront to good faith? Am I over-reacting? I’ve met psychopaths before who worm their way into trusting groups, only to ingeniously wreak divisive bad feeling between individuals. To rant on regularly about anonymous users, transparent in their caution, and many of whom have much that’s worthwhile and genuine to say, only adds insult to injury – the mind boggles at the thought campaign going on there. It really does show that obligatory registration on its own is not a quick-fix to transform us all into pleasant respectful compadres, and why a lot of people looking on are disinclined to expose themselves to calculated mockery. Stay on your toes guys, ready to duck and dive; participate on your own terms; and forthwith, a cautionary tale for the crash-mongers!

    A burglar broke into a house one night. He shone his flashlight around, looking for valuables, and when he picked up a CD player to place into his sack, a strange, disembodied voice echoed from the dark saying,
    "Jesus is watching you."

    He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off and froze.
    When he heard nothing more after a bit, he shook his head, promised himself a long vacation after his next big score, then clicked the flashlight back on and began searching for more valuables. Just as he pulled the stereo out so that he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard,
    "Jesus is watching you."

    Totally rattled, he shone his flashlight around frantically, looking for the source of the voice. Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.
    "Did you say that"? He hissed at the parrot.
    "Yes," the parrot confessed, then squawked, "I`m just trying to warn you."
    The burglar relaxed. "Warn me, huh? Who do you think you are anyway?"
    "Moses," replied the parrot.
    "Moses," the burglar laughed. "What kind of people would name a parrot Moses?"
    The parrot quickly answered, "The same kind of people that would name a Rottweiler, Jesus."
    goinghome -- Thursday March 24 2005, @01:42PM (#155504)
    (User #12673 Info)
  • Three members of Oasis, including Noel, were in a smash up in Indianapolis a few years ago. The accident was severe enough for the band to cancel a few gigs.

    The premise of the article was stoopid to begin with; for the author to not mention the Oasis bit was even stoopider.
    Anonymous -- Friday March 25 2005, @08:33AM (#155545)

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