posted by davidt on Tuesday January 25 2005, @10:00AM
dazzak writes:

My brother was talking to Damien Dempsey recently (he works in a music shop). He got talking about Morrissey and told a story about how one night Damien was talking to the audience and mentioned eating a steak. He then said that Morrissey approached him and requested that he not tell the story again. Damien politely did so. He also said that Morrissey is a "top guy".

Just thought it was an interesting snippet of information.
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  • during his set damo said that he had a cheesesteak when he was here in philly in october. i think that he said morrissey wouldn't be happy about it
    Anonymous -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @10:19AM (#148305)
  • About time Damo got a mention on here! I only heard of him because of Morrissey's patronage, & thank god i did! His 'Seize The Day' album is THE finest i've ever heard!
    I'd previously always found Mozzer's taste in music a bit suspect, but he really redeemed himself with Damo!
    I'd reccomend Damien Dempsey to anybody with a heart & a soul!

    Roll on the 100club February 16!
    Anonymous -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @10:57AM (#148311)
  • ..when you are censored by another, especially as it's only a meat word.
    However, Morrissey regularly talked about people 'tucking into kebabs' during the 2002 tour.
    If people enjoy meat, then so be it.
    If people don't, then so be it.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @11:15AM (#148317)
  • I (and thousands of others) saw Dempsey at the MEN prior to Moz - am I one of the only ones who finds his lyrics hilarious?

    "When the ghosts of overdoses
    Have replaced the ghosts of tuberculosis..."

    "You're so greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy...."

    "Hear the Celtic tiger roar
    I want more!"

    "She gave me life
    And I gave her Hell!"

    He looks so impassioned, but....somehow I can't help but chuckle.
    Biscuit Buscemi -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @11:54AM (#148330)
    (User #9908 Info)
  • You've been getting some run around here because of your involvement with Moz, and I want to hear your music as well. But dude, you should know better than that. Never spit in the wind, never tug on Superman's cape, and never and I mean never so help you God - say the word 'steak' in front of Morrissey or at one of his gigs.

    The guy is almost as bad as Joe DiMaggio, who used to cut friends off completely from the inner circle for wearing the wrong tie to an event. I mean, I don't say 'burger', or 'roast'...or even 'Joyce' for fear of one of Mozzer's men rolling by with the entire camp to kick out me and my posse. Dude, YOU ARE ON STAGE!! What were you thinking??!

    Except where Joe would avoid dry cleaning his clothes to save money despite being worth about 4 billion or so, Moz takes care of his duds. I'll give him that.
    Jim Rome -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @01:10PM (#148345)
    (User #720 Info |
    ...and how?
  • i remember morrissey on the second night in upper darby saying essentailly that damien is a great guy but he eats meat but nobody's perfect. he said that on stage and made it more of a joke than an issue of censorship. also as philadelphia i can let all of you out of towners and especially performers passing through our city in on a little secret, we don't actually eat cheese steaks as much as everyone thinks (its been 10 yrs personally) and we roll our eyes at performers who feel the need to mention it during their concerts. so stop.
    Anonymous -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @01:30PM (#148349)
    • Re:phila show by jp.5.22 (Score:1) Tuesday January 25 2005, @03:27PM
  • I think it's GREAT that Morrissey feels passionate about Vegetarianism and promotes it where and when he can. The thing is with most people that they simply don't know any better - and therefore carry on eating meat. Vegetarian diet is SO much better!
    Has anyone walked past a butchers shop on their high street and said "This smells absolutely Gorgeous!"? Every time I pass a butchers always try and hold my breath because it smells absolutely stale and VILE.
    Like Morrissey has said, meat is only as good as you garnish it (with salt, pepper and spices). You might as well do the same with vegetables!!!!
    seb71 -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @01:33PM (#148351)
    (User #13191 Info)
  • Morrissey did a noble thing.
    If I had been there, I would not have wanted to hear a story about the chewing of a bit of cow either.
    Poppycocteau -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @02:39PM (#148363)
    (User #9489 Info)
    We are ugly but we have the music
    • Re:As usual by MyMelody (Score:1) Tuesday January 25 2005, @03:41PM
  • Pardon my ignorance, but is a "cheesesteak" just cheese and steak?
    Sounds nauseating, if so.
    O'Muirgheasa -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @03:39PM (#148374)
    (User #7536 Info)
    Perhaps my best years are gone.When there was a chance of happiness.But I wouldn't want them back.
  • I was at the show in Philly (well to be exact it was in Upper Darby, PA) when this comment was made.

    Actually I have always respected Moz's firm stance on vegetarianism. I intend to continue that tradition when my band is signed and gains more exposure.

    Look I know this may get a flame or two but let's be honest. To eat meat is to participate in the murder of a sentient being. You certainly CAN have your choice to continue to do it but at the same token I certainly CAN consider you a serial murderer. I really don't see a difference and many others feel the same way Morrissey included. I especially get a kick out of people with a dog or cat that call themselves "animal lovers" talking over a hamburger lunch plate. We were not intended to choose whether to cuddle or kill animals based on their domesticality.

    If anyone needs concrete proof that humans are not intended to eat meat please e-mail me directly at [email protected] and I would be more than happy to provide data.

    Sorry...I love many meat eaters but oh how it kills me inside to see humans continue to eat meat then suffer horribly for it (massive increases in heart disease, cancer, mad cow etc as the list is endless). I do however feel more so for the poor animals that are murdered to provide "meat".

    Ask yourself a few questions and trust me if you have an open mind you will start to put it all together. Why can't most humans watch their food being slaughtered or better yet slaughter their own? If we all had to kill our own animals I wonder how many would switch to vegetarianism and veganism then? Why do we use trick psychological words like "meat" and "burger" instead of calling it what it is (ie. Cow, Pig...I guess Chicken is the exception). Alas...I could go on all day but I won' Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation and at least be AWARE of what you are eating and the production methods (as unsanitary as they are) before you decide. I am not saying you have to go veggie but I do believe that if people knew some of the facts (say...the amount of pus found in dairy milk or the acceptable level of feces in your meat by FDA guidelines) they might think again.
    Viva Moz. I liked seeing Dempsey and think they both handled this in a classy fashion.
    MOZ IS GOD -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @05:19PM (#148385)
    (User #3249 Info |
  • A "top" guy (Score:0, Flamebait)

    Uh ... dare I ask ....
    Top as in "he's the tops" or Top as in .... well some of you know what I mean.
    Inquiring minds wanna know. How tawdry ...
    Jackosuede -- Tuesday January 25 2005, @08:08PM (#148395)
    (User #944 Info)
    • Re:A "top" guy by Anonymous (Score:0) Tuesday January 25 2005, @09:34PM
      • Re:A "top" guy by Anonymous (Score:0) Wednesday January 26 2005, @03:10AM
  • His exact comment in Philadelphia was (in thick Dublin accent): "I ate one of your Philly cheesesteaks today and I had to lay down for three hours."

    When Moz came on stage he apologized for D's comment and insisted that they would make him vegetarian by the end of the tour.

    And yes, a cheese steak is just that: chopped up steak meat with melted cheese on a hoagie roll. You think that doesn't sound good, try the other philly speciality: scrapple.
    Anonymous -- Wednesday January 26 2005, @11:32AM (#148454)

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