posted by davidt on Thursday August 02 2001, @10:00AM
Soto writes:

I know this is trivial but worth mentioning as it is part of a Gap advertisement and is in a reputable magazine.

In the latest (September) edition of Men's Health Magazine (several pages from the cover) is an advertisement for The Gap in which a man is standing against a white wall. The caption to the left of him reads "my first love: the smiths".

Is it me or is the Smiths' name getting more and more commercially popular these days? Either way I don't mind.

Scan of the ad: page 1, page 2
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  • I hate the GAP but this is a great Advertisement.
    This is what I pictured Smiths fans to look like when I was younger....a great representation of our subculture.
    SOUTHPAWmuse -- Thursday August 02 2001, @10:14AM (#16033)
    (User #3123 Info)
    Southwest six with someone like you, keep thieves hours with someone like you...
    • Re:Great AD! by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 04 2001, @09:34PM
  • Is it me or the first scan is reminiscent of "The Boy Racer" single cover photo?
    charles byron <{boy_afraid} {at} {}> -- Thursday August 02 2001, @10:28AM (#16035)
    (User #49 Info)
    life without my sweetheart is only half a life
  • Call me a vacuous, sex-obsessed girl but that bloke made my toes curl. Smiths fans never looked like that!
    MyMelody -- Thursday August 02 2001, @11:28AM (#16045)
    (User #2329 Info |
    ...don't make fun of me later... cos I'm just lost...
  • As a Smith's fan, I find this ad to be utterly insulting. Mainly, the Gap uses child labor in order to make their cloths. And by tagging the Smiths to it is wrong!!! I for one am proud to say I havn't shopped there for years. Thank you Rage Against the Machine for bringing this to my attention.
    Anonymous -- Thursday August 02 2001, @11:31AM (#16046)
  • love the add!
    SleepTheClockAround -- Thursday August 02 2001, @11:41AM (#16047)
    (User #3329 Info)
    • Re:awww by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 04 2001, @11:22AM
      • Re:awww by SleepTheClockAround (Score:1) Saturday August 04 2001, @09:42PM
  • I loved the ad. But, does this mean being a fan of the group is now cool? It's been long overdue if that's the case.

    "...ahh, I've always known I was the cool kid, and now I know I was right.

    Oh, the satisfaction, the pride..."

    Ah-hem, maybe not.
    swallow_on_my_neck <United Kingdom.> -- Thursday August 02 2001, @12:09PM (#16053)
    (User #2115 Info)
  • Gap clothes are awful. Cheaply manufactured, poor quality, tasteless style. Any wonder Gap is so close in spelling to Crap? Even their higher end Banana Republic clothes, although a bit more stylish, are also poorly made.

    I'm not sure I like The Smiths name being tied in with The Gap. I wouldn't complain if it were a Prada or Gucci ad...that would make more sense.
    Earl Graphite <[email protected]> -- Thursday August 02 2001, @01:54PM (#16060)
    (User #2253 Info)
    Speaking your mind gets you in trouble every time.
    • Re:The Crap by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 04 2001, @11:24AM
  • I think it's silly.

    How can you tell who is a Smiths fan and who is not? Is he supposed to represent what a male Morrissey/Smiths fan looks like?

    A few years back, I think it was the Gap who put out an advertisment with James Dean on the front saying : James Dean wore Khakis

    Well, big deal. And, he certainly didn't get them from The Gap...

    I guess it's good that The Smiths are being remembered and their name displayed like that, but that particular add was just, in my opinion, silly.
    hand in glove -- Thursday August 02 2001, @02:01PM (#16062)
    (User #827 Info)
    "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together" - Marilyn Monroe
  • does this mean they are now trying to copyright Morrissey's style?! I have mixed feelings about the ad, it's always good to have his name out there for people to see, but it all depends on how it is done, and by who, of course. At least the guy had a nice haircut. But the shoes have to go.
    Violeta -- Thursday August 02 2001, @04:35PM (#16075)
    (User #1820 Info)
    swivel and sway
  • I will now take even more pleasure in watching those old skits on Saturday Night Live of the "Gap Girls".

    Gee, I wonder if they've asked Morrissey to do a tv ad like they've done with those sell-out whores like Aerosmith and Lenny Kravitz.
    Anonymous -- Thursday August 02 2001, @05:44PM (#16080)
  • I bet (Score:1, Funny)

    I bet that Tibby runs out and buys that Gap outfit now.
    Anonymous -- Thursday August 02 2001, @06:54PM (#16086)
  • A-this boy is beautiful. truly
    b-I severly doubt he is the voice behind "My first love: the smiths" it IS the voice of the gawky, a nation-turns-its-bac-and-gags copywriter.
    c-Smiths fans that ive seen are rarely this beautfiul
    d-he looks like in 1985 he was more into Howard Jones
    a Maladjusted Copywriter Himself
    I Know Very Well... -- Friday August 03 2001, @09:39AM (#16125)
    (User #3130 Info)
    I Know Very Well...
  • i mind..cos the one great thing about the smiths and their fans is that we're in a little underground cult, if they become pop like COLDPLAY or OASIS or something like just takes the essense away from the whole thing, don't you think?
    nyxstar* -- Friday August 03 2001, @10:20AM (#16132)
    (User #2516 Info)
    "no great artist ever sees things as they really are. if he did, he would cease to be an artist"--O.W.
    • Re:i mind by hand in glove (Score:1) Friday August 03 2001, @10:34AM
      • Re:i mind by Anonymous (Score:0) Saturday August 04 2001, @01:40AM
  • hey has anyone checked out the moz-solo guestbook lately? its getting pretty scary!
    SOUTHPAWmuse -- Friday August 03 2001, @11:43AM (#16140)
    (User #3123 Info)
    Southwest six with someone like you, keep thieves hours with someone like you...
  • Gentle Jesus!
    gonna vom...

    DeB of the West Sider Riders
    Maplefreak -- Friday August 03 2001, @12:03PM (#16142)
    (User #1234 Info)
    And the songs we sing, they're not supposed to mean a thing...
  • What I want to know is how the ad company sold this idea to the Gap. The Smiths are a pretty underground taste. The phrase "First love: the Smiths" is probably very apt for many us, though.

    I also want to know why Morissey wasn't featured in Apple's "Think different" campaign.
    Bertrand -- Friday August 03 2001, @04:26PM (#16149)
    (User #134 Info)
  • I have no earthshattering insights about this article although I am amused and tickled pink at this marketing tactic. The GAP targets the 30 something alterna-yuppie demographic ie white, middle-class, heterosexual people who hang-out at coffee shoppes and listen to 80s music. Therefore, why not feature a topless, brooding soft-boy professing his love for The Smiths? However, I urge you all to 'read' this ad carefully. What is the subtext? If you say 'homoerotic' I would not guffaw. Queer chic as perpetuated by the straight community (in this case the GAP corporation) is not uncommon in fashion ad campaigns. My only regret is that they did not feature Morrissey himself, leaning against a Mercedes and holding a cell phone. Whatever happened to indie-boys who shop at the Goodwill? Oh, the irony!
    Lady Emma Peel -- Friday August 03 2001, @06:35PM (#16154)
    (User #2400 Info |
    "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!" Bette Davis
  • Is this what we have become?
    MozTroll -- Saturday August 04 2001, @09:13AM (#16176)
    (User #3342 Info)
  • This is truly criminal.
    haze <[email protected]> -- Saturday August 04 2001, @09:39AM (#16179)
    (User #1115 Info)
  • You know...people keep on talking about how good looking this model is...but I just can't agree. I have seen MANY Morrissey and Smiths fans who are MUCH better looking. There was one fellow at the Coachella Music Festival(whom I had the privilege of standing next to for the majority of Morrissey's set) that was probably the most beautiful person I have ever seen. He fit the style more, too. Anyhow...this model looks just like the rest of them, and it makes me ill to see him standing next to those wonderul words.
    Anonymous -- Saturday August 04 2001, @10:00PM (#16208)
  • that guy kind of looks like Gary Day forget the gap it's all about the thrift stores!
    leedoggpimp <[email protected]> -- Sunday August 05 2001, @02:41PM (#16249)
    (User #2789 Info |
    True friends stab you in the front.
    • thrift saavy by *_Lilla Molntuss_* (Score:1) Monday August 06 2001, @02:31AM
  • i work at the gap an the reason for the poster is because on the tape that is played in the store has a cover version of "this charming man" can't think of the ban at this time. visit me in west covina gap
    Anonymous -- Sunday August 05 2001, @10:25PM (#16270)
  • a ribbed T, khakis, and everything else the GAP has right now! Woohoo! Go Smiths! Go Gap! *sarcasm*

    BTW, what's wrong with looking like that? My friends and I all look like that. Are we therefore not allowed to like The Smiths? Also, it states his first love was the Smiths. He could very easily be over them by now. Maybe he now a huge fan of Ween, Phish, or the Utah Saints now and doesn't like the Smiths anymore. He's only reminicing about once loving the Smiths.
    Anonymous -- Monday August 06 2001, @08:13AM (#16285)
  • i think its a shame that gap are using the smith's to sell cloathes. all those sweaty people working their fingers to the bone certainly wouldn't say the smiths were their first love. johnny marr might sympathise, he used to sell cloathes didn't he?
    snakeboy -- Tuesday August 07 2001, @05:26AM (#16393)
    (User #2822 Info)
  • Does a smiths fan have to look a particular way??.....the gap is everything the smiths aint and vica versa.....i hope this is the last time i see the Smiths in connection with the Gap....and A&F and all the rest...
    Anonymous -- Tuesday August 07 2001, @12:28PM (#16427)
  • I'm aghast at this ad being used in associate with The Smiths' name. For quite a few years now The Gap (and the local socialite President, Don Fisher)has become very unpopular around San Francisco, and the Bay Area for being environmentally repulsive. Many a redwood tree has suffered at the greedy hands of The Gap.
    J. Razor -- Tuesday August 07 2001, @04:45PM (#16437)
    (User #724 Info)
    I'm Alone
  • so what we have is a male model, who's first love was the Smiths. let's not get our panties in a bunch bout it. Moz & Co are not the sole property of the arseholes that visit this site ya know. Consequently, i wore my 10 year old (highly fashionable) Queen Is Dead t-shirt out today, and got two compliments from complete strangers. true Smiths fans? Why should i give a shit? i'm just glad that people still care. If gap wants to give our beloved the exposure he and they STILL deserve then good. As embarrasing as it may be, i was introduced to Kerouac through a gap ad so many years ago. i'll never learn.

    Anonymous -- Saturday August 11 2001, @01:36AM (#16642)
  • Hullo? The Gap office in San Francisco advertising in Men's Health (the premiere closet gay magazine in the country!) with a pretty model talking about The Smiths (ie. Morrissey) as his first LOVE? This campaign is so obviously for the gay population. Morrissey is a gay icon, and is being exploited for it. Would they use a Smiths mention in Rolling Stone or SPIN or Playboy? I highly doubt it. Morrissey is a hypocrite and liar anyway, saying he was celibate and that he wasn't gay. Everyone know he used to boink his hairdresser during the days of the Smiths, and don't forget Jake. Morrissey is an arsehole for fooling all the hetero boys to be involved with strictly gay obsessions. Fate has a way of karma, and his present situation is one that he solely put himself into. His music sucks now and his lyrics are worse, why would anyone still want his music? He should just craw back into the hole he crawled out from in Manchester and leave pretty, happy, sunny LA to those that deserve it.
    Anonymous -- Saturday August 11 2001, @08:17PM (#16663)
  • as vivienne westwoood said its 'gap between the ears' and not funny anymore
    Anonymous -- Wednesday October 31 2001, @05:47PM (#20932)

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